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    Title: 考察當代廢棄物:自由、治理與生命
    A Study of Contemporary Waste: Freedom, Governance and Life
    Authors: 劉佑晞
    Liu, Yu-Hsi
    Contributors: 高國魁
    Kao, Kuo-Kuei
    Liu, Yu-Hsi
    Keywords: 廢棄物
    Garbage studies
    Social order
    Consumer culture
    Waste governance
    Environmental pollution
    Date: 2021
    Issue Date: 2021-04-01 11:24:04 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 在當代社會的日常生活中,廢棄物對我們而言是既熟悉卻又陌生的東西。本研究旨在探討廢棄物與其行為背後的複雜系統秩序建構。本文採取多重理論的分析架構,分別從消費、治理與污染的三個層次考察廢棄物的當代意涵。
    As a part of daily life in the contemporary society, waste is something familiar and yet foreign to us. This research aims to explore the complex systemic orders in the making of waste products and acts. A multi-theoretical framework is adopted to interpret the contemporary meanings of waste and wasting at three levels, including consumption, governance and pollution.
    First of all, the study seeks to clarify the hidden social factors behind the formation of modern throwaway living, arguing that a less discussed logic of waste/wasting actually plays a significant role in support of the kinetic operation of consumer society. Thereafter, the analysis turns to the field of waste governance. We investigate the relationship of private waste and public health only to discover the collusion of consumer freedom and garbage management. We also reflect on the fallacy of passing the problem of waste on to a question of technique since the standpoint of governance only keeps turning a blind eye to the orders of consumer culture and ecological nature. Finally, following the spilling footprints of waste, we confront the issue of pollution from the perspective of ecological cycling, observing the mobility and transformation of waste in the natural environment. Unlike the image of inert objects under the governmental gaze, the discussion will demonstrate the ungovernable agency of waste by resorting to cross-disciplinary empirical data. The main purpose is to show that ideational order and material life are closely intertwined.
    In conclusion, this research emphasizes the cultural meanings and social roles of contemporary waste, and elaborates beyond the horizons of human surplus and technical governance an unseverable bond between wasting and ordering life.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0106254002
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202100411
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