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    政大機構典藏 > 傳播學院 > 新聞學系 > 學位論文 >  Item 140.119/134430
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    Title: 蘋果日報工會創建歷程之紀錄與分析
    Documenting and Analyzing the Formation of Apple Daily Union
    Authors: 黃于庭
    Huang, Yu-Ting
    Contributors: 馮建三
    Feng, Chien-San
    Huang, Yu-Ting
    Keywords: 蘋果日報
    Apple Daily News
    Media Trade Union
    Editorial Autonomy
    Collective Agreement
    Labor Conditions
    Labor Consciousness
    Date: 2014
    Issue Date: 2021-04-01 11:20:54 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究旨在瞭解歸納《蘋果日報》工會的創建過程,其在短時間創建、成功與資方簽訂了《編輯室公約》的影響因素大部份為時間及環境脈絡促成,其脈絡可分析如下:首先,新聞媒體傳出「旺旺中時媒體集團」即將併購壹傳媒,「旺中集團」旗下媒體立場鮮明,使得《蘋果日報》社內新聞工作者產生新聞自主權消失的危機感。其次,《蘋果日報》內新聞工作者,普遍對「蘋果精神」的認同,不願讓「蘋果精神」消失。此外,《蘋果日報》社內普遍對於主席黎智英感到信任甚至崇拜,壹傳媒併購案的爆發,造成社內員工的情緒激動,產生被背叛感。上述因素影響下,造成了《蘋果日報》社內新聞工作者組成工會的強烈動機。《蘋果日報》幹部利用社群媒體平台宣傳,也對於工會的組成、運動的動員、喚起公民的關注有很大幫助,《蘋果日報》工會的組成,前期的抗爭,得到許多關注與協助。



    This research aims at understanding and analyzing the formation of Apple Daily Union. The formation of Apple Daily Union, and its further success in signing “Editorial Autonomy Agreement” with the management in a very short time was influenced by its chronological context, which can be analyzed as follows: first, the merge and acquisition of Apple Daily News by Want Want China Times Media Group created a sense of crisis that the journalists and editors will lose editorial autonomy after the acquisition. Secondly, workers in Apple Daily recognized there is something unique about Apple Daily as a press, and they also deeply identified with the spirit of this brand, which is ‘the spirit of Apple Daily,’ and not willing to see the spirit disappear. Lastly, the President of Apple Daily, Jimmy Chee-Ying Li, is a trustworthy, heroic icon to his employees. The employees became emotional after learning that Apple Daily was sold; they felt betrayed by President Lai. The aforementioned factors resulted in a strong motivation for the workers of Apple Daily to form the Apple Daily Union to fight for editorial autonomy and labor conditions.

    With the utilization of social media to promote the Union, the formation process, the aggregation of participants, and the early stage protest events, was aware of and greatly assisted by members, non-members and the general public.

    The editorial autonomy in the organization did not improve very much after signing the agreement, mainly because the power of Union was limited. The power of the Union was limited since they compromised on several causes.

    The labor condition of the editorial sections and printing sections are quite different. While workers in printing sections tend to demand on basic labors’ rights, workers in editorial section tends to demand on more editorial autonomy.

    News workers of Apple Daily approved and supported the achievement and value of the Apple Daily Union. Also, there is improvement on the workers’ labor consciousness; however, it is still not strong enough to motivate the workers actively participate in the movement to improve labor conditions.

    The Apple Daily Union is moving forward on advocacy of “Collective Bargaining Agreement” to achieve their goal of improving labor conditions, maintaining the number of members, and gaining their capability to bargain with the management.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0097451026
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202100414
    Appears in Collections:[新聞學系] 學位論文

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