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    Title: 銀行產業公共關係指標之建構
    The Study on the Construction of Public Relations Indicators for the Banking Industry
    Authors: 周旻璇
    Chou, Min-Syuan
    Contributors: 鄭自隆
    Chou, Min-Syuan
    Keywords: 銀行產業
    banking industry
    public relations
    the Modified Delphi method
    factor analysis
    Date: 2021
    Issue Date: 2021-03-02 15:01:08 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究旨為建構銀行產業公關服務範圍之主要評估指標,並歸納出銀行產業公關服務的構面。研究脈絡首先探討目前銀行產業的特性,分別為「銀行為主要資金提供者」、「銀行家數多及密集度高導致競爭加劇」、「銀行規模小」、「銀行獲利及報酬率逐年提高」及「逐年走向國際化」等特質。並由公共關係管理及實務應用等相關文獻歸類出銀行產業公關服務之評估指標,使用修正式德菲法,整合產業界及媒體界等實務專家之意見,達專家一致共識之58項評估指標;再根據此指標進行因素分析,最後總結銀行產業公關服務範圍共4構面及20項主要評估指標,期盼能提供銀行產業公共關係服務在實務上的參考依據。此4構面分別為:
    The purpose of this study is to construct the main evaluation indicators and to summarize the dimensions of the public relations service for the banking industry. The research context first discusses the characteristics of the current banking industry, which are "banks are the main fund provider", "more and more intensive banks lead to intensified competition", "small scale of banks", "the profit and return rates of banks are increasing year by year" and "banking internationalization year-by-year". Based on the public relations management and practical application literature, the evaluation indexes of the banking public relations service were classified, and the Modified Delphi method was used to analyze and investigate the opinions of experts in the industry and the media, and the consensus of the experts was reached. Then according to these indicators for factor analysis, finally summarizes the banking industry public relations service scope of 4 dimensions and 20 main evaluation indicators, hoping to provide the banking public relations service in practice reference basis. The four dimensions are as follows:
    1. Pursue a win-win situation, promote brand loyalty and achieve organizational objectives through relationship management.
    2. Shape the organization image through media communication and promotion of corporate social responsibility.
    3. Two-way communication through integrated marketing communication.
    4. Implement crisis management through staff training and communication technology
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0107464022
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202100213
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