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    Title: 犯罪新聞產生「報導所造成的受害人」 之成因探討
    Discussion on Factors of ";Victims Caused by Reports";in Crime News
    Authors: 葉哲維
    Yeh, Che-Wei
    Contributors: 劉慧雯
    Liu, Hui-Wen
    Yeh, Che-Wei
    Keywords: 新聞倫理
    Journalism ethics
    Crime news
    Victims caused by reports
    Media self-regulation
    Social responsibility theory
    Date: 2021
    Issue Date: 2021-03-02 14:59:52 (UTC+8)
    Abstract:   本研究透過分析「2014年捷運隨機殺人案」、「淡水八里雙屍命案」、「南港小模姦殺案」這三起犯罪事件的新聞報導,發現一群無辜的、權益未受到保護的,由犯罪新聞產生的「報導所造成的受害人」。為了探究這群「報導所造成的受害人」出現的成因並初步探討可能的保護措施,本研究先以文獻分析,整理當前台灣新聞業現況,發現網路時代的來臨會增強新聞效果,造成犯罪新聞對「報導所造成的受害人」的傷害變得更加嚴重。此外,透過文獻分析也發現現行法規中,並無法有效保護「報導所造成的受害人」。結合上述文獻分析後的結果,並將保護不足之處與對新聞業界的疑問彙整總結,再透過深度訪談現役新聞從業人員後,本研究發現在產製犯罪新聞的每個環節中,基於不同原因都有可能產生「報導所造成的受害人」;另一方面,檢警與新聞媒體的互利共生情形在此議題中也扮演著舉足輕重的腳色,檢警也應為犯罪新聞產生「報導所造成的受害人」負起責任。本研究建議新聞從業人員在報導犯罪新聞嫌疑犯時,應該謹慎查證資訊來源,在案情出現嫌疑犯攀咬他人時,更要避免因情緒驅使而寫出過度猜測案情的新聞內容,並將這樣的經驗常規化避免再犯。
    This study analyzes news reports of three crimes and finds a group of innocent people whose rights are not protected; they are “Victims Caused by Reports “generated by crime news. In order to explore factors of the emergence of this group of “Victims Caused by Reports " and preliminarily explore possible protective measures, this research first analyzes the current situation of Taiwan`s news industry and found that the advent of the Internet era will enhance the news effect. In addition, through literature analysis, it is found that the current laws and regulations cannot effectively protect “Victims Caused by Reports." After in-depth interviews with active journalists, this study find that in each stage of producing crime news, "Victims Caused by Reports" may be generated for different reasons; on the other hand, the interaction of the prosecutors and the news media plays an important role in this issue, not only the news media but prosecutors should take responsibility for “Victims Caused by Reports “in crime news. This study suggests that when reporting criminal news suspects, journalists should carefully verify the source of the information, and avoid emotionally-driven writing that over-guess the case when the suspect accuses others are suspects, and regularizing this experience to avoid repeating it.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0106464004
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202100210
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