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    Title: 臺灣傅爾布萊特獎助計畫(1947-2019): 國際教育交流做為公眾外交之個案研究
    Fulbright Program in Taiwan (1947-2019): A Case Study of International Educational Exchange as Public Diplomacy
    Authors: 李素春
    Li, Su-Chun
    Contributors: 吳得源
    Wu, Der-Yuan
    Li, Su-Chun
    Keywords: 國際學術交流
    International educational exchange
    Public diplomacy
    Educational diplomacy
    Soft power
    Fulbright program
    Fulbright Taiwan
    Foundation for Scholarly Exchange
    Fulbright commission
    East Asia and Pacific
    Date: 2021
    Issue Date: 2021-03-02 14:50:37 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 臺灣傅爾布萊特,正式的組織名稱是學術交流基金會,其董事會由臺美兩國代表所共同組成,它是自1979年兩國斷交,雙方關係僅於非官方的模式之後,負責執行傅爾布萊特在台灣的獎助計畫。然而,學術交流基金會的歷史可以回溯至1947年,全球的第一個傅爾布萊特獎助計畫。如今,這個傳奇性的學術交流計畫卻變成了一個非典型的傅爾布萊特獎助計畫,在全球現有的49個董事會中,成為一個獨一例外不是建立在與美國有正式雙邊關係的國家裡,算是一個真正的人民與人民之間的交流計畫。在缺乏官方的關係下,傳統的外交會有阻礙,公眾外交卻有無限的可能性,而可以成為一個更重要的管道。

    The Fulbright Taiwan, officially known as the Foundation for Scholarly Exchange (FSE), is a U.S.-Taiwan binational commission, and facilitates the Fulbright program in Taiwan since 1979 when the relation of two nations went into unofficial mode. Its history traces back to 1947, the first Fulbright program in the world. A legendary program became atypical, the only one of 49 Fulbright commissions worldwide not built on a formal binational relationship, a true people-to-people exchange. Since there are no official ties, traditional diplomacy is hindered, but public diplomacy can serve a more important channel with its unlimited possibilities.

    This research removes the veil of a hidden history. This is a fascinating story of a resilient foundation, which has transformed from barely surviving, working around a fine line of ambiguous legal status, to an energetic and thriving Fulbright commission, a model to many. This is inspiring for all non-profit organizations. Where there is a will, there is a way. Limited not to the ‘formal’ binational relationship of U.S.-Taiwan, FSE outreaches to thousands of Americans, winning hearts and minds, linking two peoples with endless remembrances of real-life stories. Also, it has served as a third channel for dialogue between U.S. and Taiwan.
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