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    Title: 德國右翼民粹型政黨AfD的崛起與其對德國政治之衝擊
    The rise of German right-wing populist party AfD and its impact on German political constellation
    Authors: 曾筱筑
    Tseng, Hsiao-Chu
    Contributors: 劉書彬
    Liu, Shu-Pin
    Tseng, Hsiao-Chu
    Keywords: 民粹主義
    Right-wing populist party
    Alternative für Deutschland (AfD)
    Date: 2021
    Issue Date: 2021-03-02 14:45:21 (UTC+8)
    Abstract:   AfD為德國戰後第一個進入聯邦議會的右翼民粹型政黨,德國聯邦議會的政黨體系自此走向「兩大黨四小黨」的局勢,故AfD的興起有其特殊性以及時代意義。於此,本文使用文獻回顧法,試圖從供給的角度來探究AfD快速興起的原因,再分別以政治議題輸入、政策制定以及AfD對德國政黨體系的影響來分析其對德國政治的影響。
      AfD is the first right-wing populist party that enters German Bundestag after World War II. Since then, the party system of German Bundestag has changed into the formation of “two major parties and four minor parties”, and for that reason, the rise of AfD has its own uniqueness and epoch-making significance. In this article, I use document analysis as main research method, and attempt from the perspective of supply to explore the reasons why the rapid rise of AfD, and then analyze its influences on German political constellation with aspects of the input of political issues, policy making, and the influence of AfD on German party system.
      This article found that the rise of AfD reflects the divergent structure of German society between globalization and anti-globalization, and the success of AfD mainly depends on its own highly democratic party organization and unconventional political strategies. In terms of political influences of AfD, although AfD can only exert its indirect political influences, it will also conduce AfD to maintain its uniqueness, and pressure other parties into proceeding to reform. In addition, AfD also caused Union parties to pay more negotiation costs in order to form a coalition government. It also indirectly led to increasingly fierce party conflicts within Union parties, as well as aggravated the polarization of the German party system. From the election of the state premier in Thuringia, it can be observed that AfD is quite good at using its own political skills to influence the coopetition between the parties, therefore AfD is really an expert in operating democratic politics.
      In summary, the rise of AfD has its pros and cons for the influence of the German political system. AfD promotes established parties to accelerate their response to the needs of voters, furthermore, this has enhanced the democratic effectiveness of German Bundestag. However, when it comes to human oriented values revealed by Basic Law of constitutionalism and democracy of Berlin Republic, the rise of AfD has forced German citizens in the 21st century to inspect the difference between democratic politics and populist politics. In addition to rethink the boundaries of populist politics, AfD also let Germans to consider whether it will affect German constitutional democracy or not.
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    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202100308
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