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    Title: 政治興趣與媒體使用對政治極化之影響
    Impacts of political interest and media usage on political polarization
    Authors: 林南華
    Lin, Nan-Hua
    Contributors: 俞振華
    Yu, Chen-Hua
    Lin, Nan-Hua
    Keywords: 政治極化
    political polarization
    political interest
    media usage
    partial proportional odds model
    Date: 2021
    Issue Date: 2021-03-02 14:45:08 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 自西元2000年起,不論是菁英還是大眾層面,台灣都已出現政治極化的現象。其中除了菁英的動員,媒體可能是造成大眾政治極化的重要因素。近年來,網路的興起提供更多元便利的資訊管道,無形中造成民眾更常接觸相同政治立場的資訊。因此許多證據指出,網路媒體是造成政治極化的主因。
    Taiwanese politics became extremely polarized at both the elite and popular levels since 2000. Besides the mobilization of elites, media would also be a critical factor to mass polarization. In recent years, the internet`s more convenient and diversified information channels have drawn the electorate into more exclusive echo chambers that disseminate information with homogenous political points of view. Therefore, evidence points to the internet media as the primary cause of political polarization.
    This study reviews foreign and domestic literature concerning political polarization and media usage, and sort out the causes that led to the public`s political polarization. It is found that political interests may be the reason that caused political polarization, and the media was a catalyst.
    Therefore, this research divided political polarization into affective polarization and ideological polarization, and the media into internet media and conventional media, and proposed a model using political interest as the independent variable, and media usage time as the moderator, to observe the effects each of the two variables has on affective polarization and ideological polarization.
    Partial proportional odds model analysis indicates that when segments of the general public show no political interest, they are less likely to develop higher affective polarization with more prolonged internet media usage. However, internet media usage time and conventional media usage time do not have the expected moderating effect.
    Reference: 中文部分
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