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    Title: 台灣地方選舉投票參與因素之探討— 以2014與2018年台北、台中、高雄市長選舉為例
    Who Votes in Taiwan`s Local Elections? — Case Studies of Taipei, Taichung, and Kaohsiung Mayor Elections in 2014 and 2018
    Authors: 葉峯谷
    Yeh, Fung-Ku
    Contributors: 蔡佳泓
    Tsai, Chi-Hung
    Yeh, Fung-Ku
    Keywords: 投票參與
    Voting Participation
    Political Representation
    Local Election
    Date: 2021
    Issue Date: 2021-03-02 14:44:40 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 投票,是民主政治的核心象徵,也是民主制度的合法性重要來源。然而,全球自從第三波民主化後,正面臨投票率漸趨下降且對民主不滿意度漸趨上升的雙重趨勢。本研究指出,過去投票參與行為的研究,多從社會學途徑、社會心理學途徑、經濟學途徑等面向來進行探討,卻少有人從民主政治的核心概念—政治代表性做討論。另一方面,我國關於投票參與行為的研究,不僅相對更缺乏理論面之討論,選擇之研究個案也多從全國選舉(例如:總統、立法委員)的投票參與行為切入,少見對於地方選舉之投票參與行為研究,故引起本研究「台灣地方選舉投票參與因素之探討—以2014與2018年台北、台中、高雄市長選舉為例」之動機。
    本研究一方面從代表性的危機(Crisis of Representation)開始探討政治代表性理論,綜合Pitkin(1967)、Mansbridge(2003)與Rehfeld(2019)等人對政治代表性的概念界定後,介紹了承諾式代表、預期式代表、陀螺儀代表以及空降式代表等不同概念,並採取Hobolt and Hoerner(2019)、Matsusaka(2015)等人對於代表性的測量方式形成本研究的操作性定義。
    Voting is the core symbol of democratic politics and an important source of the legitimacy of the democratic system. However, since the third wave of democratization, the world is facing a dual trend of declining turnout and increasing dissatisfaction with democracy. This research points out that in the past, the research of voting behavior was mostly conducted from the perspectives of Sociology, Social Psychology, and Economics, but few people discussed the core concept of democratic politics-Political Representation.
    On the other hand, the research of voting behavior in Taiwan is not only relatively lacking in theoretical discussion, but the selected research cases are also mostly cut from the voting behavior of national elections (such as the President, legislators), and voting in local elections is rare. These reasons led to the motivation of this research " Who Votes in Taiwan`s Local Elections? — Case Studies of Taipei, Taichung, and Kaohsiung Mayor Elections in 2014 and 2018".
    On the one hand, this research discusses the theory of political representation from Crisis of Representation after integrating the concept of political representation defined by Pitkin (1967), Mansbridge (2003) and Rehfeld (2019). Different concepts such as Promissory Representation, Anticipatory Representation, Gyroscopic Representation and Surrogate Representation was introduced, and Hobolt and Hoerner (2019), Matsusaka (2015) and others have adopted the Political Representation measurement methods to form the operational definition of this research.
    On the other hand, this study sorts out the research variables on voting participation from the aspects of Sociology, Social Psychology, and Economics, and summarizes the variables of personal resources, mobilization, social network, rational choice, and society. psychological variables, as the control variables of this study, are integrated with representatiion variables to perform logistic regression analysis of the voting participation behavior.
    The analysis results show that in Taiwan’s local elections, the people will indeed affect their voting behavior due to political representation variables, especially if other variables are controlled, when the people realized that the candidates have responded to their important issues, their voting participation behavior is statistically significantly higher. Therefore, this study believes that the research of political representation on voting participation is bound to have the value of continuing to deepen the research in the future. On the other hand, this study chooses local elections as the research object, which also inspires local elections due to political representation variables. If the national elections are identity elections, then the local elections can be said to be elections that demand the topic.
    This study also found that some control variables have a relatively comprehensive impact on voting participation in local elections in Taiwan. For example, if people who have the characteristics of voting in the previous election, thinking that the election is a civic responsibility, ageing, and political interest, their voting participation behavior is statistically significantly higher other ones.
    On the whole, the focus of this research is on voting participation in local elections in Taiwan. The core contribution is to introduce the concept of political representation for measurement, and get statistically significant support. The limitation of this study is also that in the past, voting participation rarely cited political representation to evaluate its impact. Therefore, future research still has room for continuous improvement in measuring the impact of political representation on voting participation.
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    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0101252503
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    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202100375
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