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    Title: 養殖漁業與太陽光電設置之綜效、權衡及共效益
    Synergies, trade-offs and co-benefits of aquaculture fishery and solar photovoltaic installation
    Authors: 陳家琳
    Chen, Chia-Lin
    Contributors: 蔡育新
    Tsai, Yu-Shin
    Chen, Chia-Lin
    Keywords: 太陽光電
    Solar photovoltaics
    Synergies, trade-offs, and co-benefits
    Date: 2021
    Issue Date: 2021-03-02 14:44:09 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 太陽能的設置改變原土地使用型態,進而直接或間接的影響當地的經濟、社會、環境等層面。漁電共生是一種新興異業結合的經營模式,是臺灣推行太陽能的新契機,政策屬於初期尚未發展成熟階段,但各地區擁有背景條件不同,加上太陽能板平均使用年限長達二十年,時間與空間兩因子加劇問題的複雜度,牽涉許多不確定性影響因子。由於政策背景的特殊性及推動時程壓力,相關研究、法令修訂仍然趕不上推動的速度,造成執行困難。
    Solar photovoltaics installation changes the original land use pattern and directly or indirectly affects the local economy, society, environment, and other aspects. Aquaculture fishery and electricity symbiosis is a new business model of combining different industries, which serves as a new opportunity for Taiwan to promote solar energy. Its policies are in the early stage of development and have not yet matured. While different regions have different background conditions and that the average service life of solar panels is as long as 20 years, time and space factors aggravate the complexity of relevant problems, which involves many uncertain impact factors. Due to the particularity of the policy background and promotion pressure, relevant studies and legislative amendments are still unable to catch up with the promotion speed, resulting in difficulties in implementation.
    Based on the current policies and implementation of aquaculture fishery and electricity symbiosis in Taiwan, this study collects stakeholders` views on the symbiosis through in-depth interviews, establishes interaction relationships with land use, analyzes the interaction relationship with concepts of synergy, trade-off, and co-benefits, and clarifies relevant issues, influencing factors, and effectiveness evaluation aspects. Policy implementation is a dynamic process involving multiple stakeholders. Through the impact factors of the stakeholder feedback, possible synergies, trade-offs, and co-benefits of policy implementation are analyzable and predictable, with ensuring feasibility and sustainability being the key to success, which can be used as a reference for future policy implementation directions, revision of laws, and planning of site selection.
    The results show that the relationship between solar photovoltaics and aquaculture fishery land use, including process setting and issue generating factors, has different impact results according to different stakeholders` perspectives and interactions. From the land-use perspective, this study analyzes the interviewees` perceptions to clarify relevant aspects of solar photovoltaic implementation and aquaculture fishery land use and divides the current development and related issues into land use, land management, and socio-economic aspects.
    Reference: 中文參考文獻

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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0107257012
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202100334
    Appears in Collections:[Department of Land Economics] Theses

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