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    题名: 行為經濟學觀點的政策分析與工具設計 -以我國文憑主義為個案之探究
    Policy Analysis and Tool Design from the Perspective of Behavioral Economics: A Case Study of Credentialism in Taiwan
    作者: 賴怡樺
    Lai, Yi-Hua
    贡献者: 陳敦源

    Chen, Don-Yun
    Lin, Shoei-Po

    Lai, Yi-Hua
    关键词: 政策工具
    Policy tools
    Behavioral economics
    Experimental research
    日期: 2021
    上传时间: 2021-03-02 14:42:29 (UTC+8)
    摘要: 公共政策向來欠缺心理學面向的研究。1990年代興起的行為經濟學,結合經濟學與心理學,透過具體系統性理論化人類不理性的行為,自2010起被大量運用於公共行政與政策領域,帶來心/新的觀點。該新興領域雖已獲得多國政府與學界的廣泛採行,在我國的研究及實務應用則仍待探究。本研究旨在探討行為經濟學應用於政策分析與工具設計的方法,並以我國文憑主義為個案進行實作。研究者首先透過文獻探討釐析行為經濟學應用於政策分析與工具設計的方法,再透由文獻探討與訪談法等資料蒐集,診斷我國的文憑主義問題,聚焦於升學選擇中的適性發展部分,設計行為經濟學的推力工具「生涯發展推力成績通知單」,並藉由角色模擬的網路遊戲實驗檢驗其成效,挑選受試者實施訪談以瞭解實驗中推力工具影響機制的運作情形。研究結果顯示推力工具確可有效舒緩文憑主義,惟其效果在不同屬性的對象間存在變異,故工具的設計與評估皆有再客製化的必要。另本研究發展行為經濟學的政策分析與工具設計操作指引,及針對我國文憑主義的問題建構與政策工具分析等,應有助於相關研究與實務應用的參考。綜上,本研究嘗試研提針對政策分析、工具設計與評估;行為經濟學觀點政策分析與工具設計的理論研究與實務應用;以及我國文憑主義的因應等三個面向的建議。
    The field of public policy studies has neglected psychological consideration. Since behavioral economics (BE), combining economics and psychology, got attention in the 1990s, there is much research in public administration and policy applying this approach and theorizing irrational behaviors in human beings to facilitate a novel/psychological viewpoint. This new ground grew and has been extensively adopted in governments and academia internationally, however, it is still insufficient in Taiwan’s context. The aim of this study is to investigate how to use BE approach in policy analysis and tool design (PATD) and to employ this to deal with credentialism. Through reviewing literature with BE applying in PATD, this research constructs a set of operational procedures and guidelines for research and practice communities. Furthermore, this paper diagnoses the problems of credentialism, focuses on the mechanism of adaptive development in pursuing higher-level education, and designs a nudge tool, called “nudge-based career development report card.” The author conducted a role-playing gamified experiment on the internet to examine the effectiveness of the nudge, and interviewed experiment receivers to understand the mechanism for the tool. Results show that the nudge tool is effective to alleviate the symptom of diplomatism, while the effect varies between receivers with different characteristics, and, therefore, the design and evaluation of this report card remain to be customized. This research proposes suggestions for the traditional PATD, the theoretical inspiration and practical application from BE approach, and how to cope with credentialism.
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