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    Title: 平埔族裔身分認定─以我國法制為中心
    The Identification amongst PingPu Ethnic Groups:Focusing on the National Legal Systems
    Authors: 連容仕
    Lien, Jung-Shih
    Contributors: 吳秦雯
    Wu, Chin-Wen
    Lien, Jung-Shih
    Keywords: 原住民身分法
    First Nations Identity Act
    Two Conventions
    United Nations Declaration on the Rights of First Nations
    Date: 2021
    Issue Date: 2021-03-02 14:35:08 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 就原住民族之權益之保護,晚近以來,在諸多先進的追求下已有長足進步。而原住民族權益之保護,必先以被國家法制認可為原住民族為前提;然而,平埔族群長久以來一直被拒於國家法規範的認可大門之外。究其原因,福利資源分配議題加之「已然漢化」的原罪似乎是平埔族群追求身分認定的主要障礙。基於多元文化主義的概念,遵循《憲法增修條文》第10條、《原住民族基本法》以及參照《聯合國原住民族權利宣言》之意旨,肯定多元文化、保障平埔族群之原住民族意識、確保其文化存續,不惟是憲法層次基本國策面的單純宣示,而已是刻不容緩的國家義務。準此,本文嘗試從平埔族裔在與近代外來政權互動的歷史文化脈絡,探討其日漸喪失的原住民族身分出發,次從我國法制暨國際人權法規範尋求再確認其為原住民之可能途徑,最後以近日最高行政法院有關平埔族群身分認定的有利見解收束,期待我國法制有將平埔族群納入原住民族的可能空間。一方面確保其身分上的權益得以伸張,更重要的是文化層次的尊重與保存。
    Concerning the protection of rights and welfares for the indigenous peoples, many have already been made in advanced pursuits. As the premise, the protection of rights and wel-fares for the indigenous people must first be recognized by the national legal system, however, the Pingpu Tribes has long been refused to be recognized by norms and regula-tions of national law. The reason for this is that the issue of the allocation of welfare re-sources, coupled with the sin of "Hanhuaization", seems to be the main obstacle to the pursuit of identity for the Pingpu ethnic groups. Based on the concept of multiculturalism, it is an urgent state obligation to affirm multiculturalism, to safeguard the awareness of the indigenous peoples of the Pingpu ethnic groups and to ensure the cultural survival; still, it’s not merely a simple declaration of the basic state policy at the constitutional level, but also an accordance with Article 10 of the Constitution Amengment, the Basic Law of the First Nations and the intention of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of First Nations. With this in common, this paper attempts to explore the historical and cultural context of Pingpu ethnic interaction with modern foreign regimes, to explore its increasingly lost in-digenous identity, to seek to re-confirm the possible way of re-establishing Pingpu ethnic groups from our national legal system and international human rights law regulations, and finally to the recent Supreme Administrative Court on Pingpu ethnic identity recognition of favorable views, looking forward to our national legal system to integrate Pingpu ethnic groups into the possibility of indigenous peoples. On the one hand, to ensure that their rights and welfares in their own right to be extended, more important is the cultural level of respect and preservation.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0103651051
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202100258
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