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Title: | 漢語動補結構「V盡」的語意分析—以語料庫為本 A Corpus-based Semantic Analysis of Mandarin Resultative Verb Compound V-jìn |
Authors: | 李季陵 Lee, Chi-Ling |
Contributors: | 鍾曉芳 Chung, Siaw-Fong 李季陵 Lee, Chi-Ling |
Keywords: | 盡 動補結構 語意側重 事件融合 形態基模 誇飾 Jin Verb Compound Configuration Image Schema Profiling Event Integration Hyperbole |
Date: | 2021 |
Issue Date: | 2021-03-02 14:30:32 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究以語料庫為本,探討漢語動補結構「V盡」之語意。統計分析「V盡」結構中前動詞V的語意類型,以及「盡」在「V盡」結構中之語意分佈,並進一步探討動詞V與補語「盡」之語意互動。另一方面,「V盡」結構在特定語境下具有誇飾意涵,本論文亦探討「V盡」誇飾之生成。 透過語料庫的鉅量語料統計可以發現,能進入「V盡」結構之動詞V語意類型共有12類,分別是「移動動詞」、「耗損類動詞」、「獲取行為動詞」、「感官動詞」、「心理動詞」、「遭遇類動詞」、「消失類動詞」、「變化動詞」、「言談書寫表達類動詞」、「吃喝類動詞」、「其他從事行為動詞」與「其他處置類動詞」,其中以「耗損類動詞」、「心理動詞」與「遭遇類動詞」為多數。而在「V盡」之「盡」語意分佈方面,「V盡」之補語「盡」語意則是以〔全部用出〕及〔以全部表示程度高、大、多〕為主。 本研究接著以認知語言學為基礎分析「V盡」之語意。透過語意側重理論(Profiling),探究動詞語意類型與補語「盡」的語意互動,本研究將「盡」之基本語意定義為「全部清空而出」,而「V盡」語句中語境的改變,也造成其語意側重角度不同,研究中發現三種語意側重類型,並描繪「盡」至「V盡」的語法化歷程。最後,透過形態基模及隱喻理論探討「V盡」誇飾功能之生成。 本研究分析「V盡」動補結構之動詞V語意類型,以及補語「盡」之語意,並探究動詞V與補語之互動關係,透過語意側重理論探討「盡」語意與語境的互動關係,希冀為動補結構之詞彙組成與語意研究帶來貢獻。 The research aims to analyze the Chinese verb compound [V-jìn] based on corpus data, including the semantic distribution of jìn and the verb types that proceed jìn. The quantitative analysis showed that there are 12 semantic categories of verbs that can pair with jin, arranging in descending order: ‘exhausting verbs’, ‘mental verbs’, ‘suffering verbs’, ‘disposal verbs’, ‘expressing verbs’, ‘sensory verbs’, ‘doing verbs’, ‘disapearing verbs’, ‘changing verbs’, ‘getting verbs’, ‘eating verbs’, and ‘moving verbs’. On the other hand, the majority instances of jìn in [V-jìn] mean ‘to exhuast’ or ‘high, large or many in degree’. The research found that the sense of jìn will change according to the verb type in [V-jìn]. The profiling of jìn was analyzed to explain this semantic change. Three profiling types of jìn were found in the study. The grammaticalization of jìn were also discussed. Rooted in cognitive linguistics and configuration image schema, the research also provided the configuration schemas of [V-jìn] with the Themes that follow the constructure. With the configuration image schema, the hyperbole use of [V-jìn] can be better explained. With the describtion of profiling and interaction between jìn and its context, this research hopes to contribute to the study of morphology and semantics especially on resultative verb compounds. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 華語文教學碩博士學位學程 106161007 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0106161007 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202100371 |
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