题名: | 品牌危機對不同品牌架構配置下的個別品牌觀感與信任之影響:揭露時機與回應方式的干擾效果 The impact of brand crisis on sub-brands evaluation under different brand architecture:the moderating roles of crisis timing strategy and crisis responding strategy |
作者: | 張雅涵 Chang, Ya-Han |
贡献者: | 邱志聖 Chiou, Jyh-Shen 張雅涵 Chang, Ya-Han |
关键词: | 其他子品牌 品牌架構 危機揭露時機 危機回應策略 Other sub-brands Brand structure Crisis timing strategy Crisis responding strategy |
日期: | 2020 |
上传时间: | 2021-03-02 14:17:51 (UTC+8) |
摘要: | 在台灣市場中,多品牌集團的品牌危機事件層出不窮,事件發生後不僅發生危機之子品牌應思考如何因應,其他子品牌也有可能受到危機帶來的負面衝擊,惟在過去的文獻中多針對發生危機的品牌該如何處理進行探討,但本研究認為,若是其他子品牌能善用危機溝通策略,同樣可有效緩解危機擴散所帶來的影響,因此,本研究欲瞭解在不同品牌架構之下,當一子品牌發生品牌危機後,其他子品牌使用何種危機溝通策略最為恰當,以期帶給台灣多品牌危機管理實證研究經驗作為參考。 首先,本研究對過去文獻進行探討,確認在緊密程度不同的品牌架構之下,危機擴散程度會有所差異,危機溝通策略又分為危機揭露時機與危機回應策略,就揭露時機而言,過往認為在事前揭露時機之下通常會有較正向的結果產生,但因企業很難掌控消息的流通,故事後揭露是實務中較常出現的情況,危機回應策略的部分,SCCT 架構將回應策略分為四大類,每一類有其適用的危機型態。接著本研究再以文獻探討的結果,推論出緊密程度不同的品牌架構之下,其他子品牌應有其適用的先後危機揭露時機及恢復聲譽力度強弱有別之危機回應策略,並設計了 2(品牌結構:背書品牌、品牌家族)× 2(危機揭露時機:事前主動、事後被動)× 2(危機回應策略:降低影響、糾正措施)的實驗情境,將受測者分為 8 組進行實驗。 經分析後發現,事前主動揭露最能有效影響消費者對於其他子品牌之評價,提升消費者的正面觀感與信任,而重建型回應策略不只能提升其他子品牌的正面評價,更能對發生危機子品牌帶來正面影響。當一子品牌發生危機後,集團品牌架構較為緊密時,其他子品牌以主動方式揭露,無論搭配何種回應策略皆可有較正面品牌評價,但若不得已需被動揭露,提出具體補償與改善措施會是較好的做法;反觀集團品牌架構較為疏鬆時,其他子品牌若能採用主動揭露方式,搭配實際改善與補償方式能最有效防止危機擴散,但若被迫事後揭露,無論何種回應策略都不會對其他子品牌評價帶來正面效益。 There are lots of brand crises occurring in Taiwanese multi-brand corporations every year. After these incidents happen, not only does a brand of an enterprise experienced crises need to find out the way to solve the problems, but also other sub-brands under the same group will be negatively impacted by the crises. Currently, there are few literatures that shed light on the situation of other sub-brands under the same group. Most studies emphasize on how the brand happened crisis can deal with the problems. Thus, in order to provide instructions and practical experience for Taiwanese multi-brand corporations, this research is going to discover that under different brand structure, when the brand crisis occurs, how other sub-brands under the same group can choose the right crisis communication strategy that mitigate the negative impacts effectively and efficiently. After investigating past literatures, this study confirmed that due to compactness, the speed of the crisis spreading won’t be the same under different brand structure. Crisis communication strategy can be separated into crisis timing strategy and crisis responding strategy. In past studies, if the company conducted stealing thunder strategy, the outcome would tend to be positive. As for crisis responding strategy, there are four categories under SCCT structure, and every category is suitable for different types of crisis. Then, this study speculated that under different brand structure, there will be appropriate crisis timing strategy and crisis responding strategy for other sub-brands, and conducted experiment with 2(Endorsed Brands, House of Brands)× 2(Proactive, Passive)× 2(Reduce of Offensiveness, Corrective Action)factorial design. This study has found that proactive timing strategy is the most useful strategy for enhancing customer evaluation toward other sub-brands and rebuild responding strategy can not only increase positive evaluation for other sub-brands, but also have positive effects toward the brand encountered crisis. When the group structure is tighter, it is better to use proactive timing strategy. Otherwise, if the group structure is looser, using proactive timing strategy with rebuild responding strategy can resist crisis impact effectively. |
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邱志聖(2016)。行銷研究:實務與理論應用。台北市:智勝文化。 |
描述: | 碩士 國立政治大學 國際經營與貿易學系 108351002 |
資料來源: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0108351002 |
数据类型: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202100192 |
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