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    Title: 通路實虛整合之衝突與其管理機制之研究
    Managing channel conflicts from bricks-and-mortar to bricks-and-clicks
    Authors: 許惇惠
    Hsu, Dun-Huei
    Contributors: 于卓民
    Yu, Chwo-Ming
    Hsu, Dun-Huei
    Keywords: 實虛整合
    Channel Conflict
    Management Mechanism
    Electronic Commerce
    Channel Management Strategy
    Date: 2021
    Issue Date: 2021-03-02 14:17:08 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 實虛整合議題雖累積多年的研究,但迄今對於實虛通路管理策略、通路衝突及其管理機制間之關係仍有待釐清。本論文基於此,進行2個階段研究,分別回答兩個在學術與實務上都相當重要的研究問題:(1)影響實體企業選擇不同電商採用模式(品牌購物官網、購併或使用市場B2C購物平台等)發展電子商務的組織內部因素為何?(2)實體企業進行實虛整合時,不同的通路管理策略會採取什麼行動?分別造成什麼衝突?這些衝突的來源為何?組織設計什麼衝突管理機制?
    Though bricks-and-clicks business model has been long examined by researchers for years, the relationship between bricks-and-clicks strategy and channel conflicts and their management mechanisms are still remained to be clarified. Based on this perspective, this dissertation includes two studies to address two crucial research questions: (1) how internal factors affecting a firm’s choice of e-commerce adopting mode and (2) how firms govern bricks-and-clicks business model by replying questions such as taking actions under different channel management strategies, causing channel conflicts and their sources and management mechanisms.
    In study 1, we employed questionnaire instrument to investigate Taiwanese enterprise and found that some supportive evidences. First, the higher a firm’s top management support, the higher the likelihood to adopt e-commerce with full controlling adopting mode such as officical shopping websites. Then, higher cross-channel HR capability of a firm, it has higher possibility to adopt partial controlling mode such as existing online shopping platforms. Finally, even a firm with greater cross-channel IT capability, it may not be motivated to extend business into virtual market. In the second study, we focus on branding retailers which own official shopping websites and a multiple comparative case study were used. We found out that when retailers utilize independent channel management stategy (adopt existing online shopping platform only), the conflicts will show up because of the divergent objectives between channels, competing scarare resources and overlapping target audience. Under this situation, retailers could adopt product segmentation to lessen the conflicts between physical channel and virtual channel. When an integrative channel management strategy (own both existing online shopping platform and official shopping website) be adopted by retailers, conflicts will emerge in both interorganizational and intraorganization because of the lack of organizational competence to support virtual channel and the loss of interests by physical channel. Three management mechanisms are designed to prevent and loosen channel conflicts including competency development, objectives and cogitation adjustment and control and coordination. This dissertation not only has contribution on consolidation and accumulation in bricks-and-clicks business model, channel management strategy, channel conflicts and their management mechanism, but also have practical implications for firms planning to enter virtual markets.
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    Description: 博士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0102355504
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    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202100382
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