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Title: | 穿梭於虛擬與現實:上班族玩家在線上遊戲的社會資本運作之探討 Shuttling between Virtual and Reality: Discussion on Social Capital Operation of Online Games for Office Players |
Authors: | 黃書瑋 Huang, Shu-Wei |
Contributors: | 陳百齡 Chen, Pai-Lin 黃書瑋 Huang, Shu-Wei |
Keywords: | 上班族玩家 線上遊戲 第三空間 社會資本 線上/線下 Office players Online games The third place Social capital Online/Offline |
Date: | 2020 |
Issue Date: | 2021-03-02 14:16:49 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 在台灣,線上遊戲已成為人們重要的休閒娛樂選擇,其中上班族更是最主要的遊戲族群。爬梳以往研究,強調人際關係是上班族玩家參與線上遊戲的主要原因之一,但卻鮮少有研究或專文探析原是娛樂取向的線上遊戲,是如何轉變成上班族經營人際關係的重要工具?據此,本研究以線上遊戲、第三空間與社會資本理論為核心,探討上班族玩家在虛實空間中社會資本的運作。研究採取民族誌研究與深度訪談,以參與者/觀察者角度實地觀察上班族玩家在虛實空間的互動,對玩家所處空間與社會資本間的關聯性做深入討論。研究發現線上遊戲不受時間與空間限制之特性,成為繁忙的上班族歇腳喘息的第三空間,玩家混合著情感性與工具性目的參與線上遊戲,在工作場所、線上遊戲以及各式網路應用等混合性空間,與同事發展出遊戲戰友與日常好友的人際關係,有助於個體與群體轉換社會資本。此外,在線上/線下的空間中,社會資本中的網絡、資源、規範、信任等構面,對於個體與群體的社會資本交互影響。本研究提出線上遊戲對於企業、個人在社會資本有著正面與負面兩種影響,線上遊戲若使用得宜,將具有建立社會資本的潛力,有助於上班族玩家轉換資源與創造協作的可能性;若玩家彼此間對於遊戲的認知與價值產生差異,就有可能導致衝突的發生,破壞群體的信任感,造成社會資本的消逝。 In Taiwan, online games have become an important leisure and entertainment choice for people, and office workers are one of its target groups. Previous studies have emphasized that interpersonal relationships are one of the main reasons for office workers to participate in online games, but there are few studies or special articles analyzing how these online games, which were originally entertainment-oriented, have been transformed into an important tool for office workers to manage interpersonal relationships. Based on this notion, this study focused on the theories, the provision of so-called the third place and social capital of these online games and discussed the use of social capital by office workers in both the virtual and real space. The research adopted ethnography and in-depth interviews to observe the interaction between office players in virtual and real space from the perspective of participants/observers. The correlation between players` space and social capital was discussed in depth, as well. Research found that online games are not limited by time and space, as it has essentially become the third place for busy office workers to rest and be away from reality. Players participate in online games with a mixture of emotional and instrumental purposes. In the workplace, online games and various online applications, they assist developing interpersonal relationships with colleagues via being game comrades and daily friends, which becomes rather helpful for individuals and groups to transform social capital. In addition, in the online/offline space, the network, resources, norms, trust and other aspects of social capital have an interactive impact on both the personal and group’s social capital. This study proposed that online games have both positive and negative effects on the social capital of enterprises and individuals. If online games are effectively used, they will have the potential to establish social capital, which is helpful for office players to convert resources and create the possibility of cooperation. However, if players differ in their cognition and value of the game, it may instead lead to conflicts, destroy the trust of the group and cause the loss of social capital. |
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