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    Title: 公民募資在台灣,2012-2019年:從文本分析看動員策略
    Taiwan Civic Crowdfunding 2012-2019: A Textual Analysis of Mobilization Strategy
    Authors: 張依萍
    Chang, Yi-Ping
    Contributors: 馮建三
    Feng, Chien-San
    Chang, Yi-Ping
    Keywords: 群眾募資
    Civic Crowdfunding
    Public Participation
    Political Consumerism
    Connective Action
    Date: 2021
    Issue Date: 2021-03-02 14:16:36 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究探討募資網站嘖嘖、flyingV於2012至2019年「公民募資」的發展。公民通過網路捐款響應他人的募資,是「政治參與行動」也是別具意圖的「政治消費行為」。本研究發現:「黨政趨向」類的專案表現在募資人次及金額最突出,此類的訴求文宣,多與兩岸政治、罷免投票、環保有關,然而公民募資做為政治參與或有進步內涵的「政治消費」,其論述情境卻多與藍綠之爭、地緣政治有關。而募資發起方的行動召喚策略:直指「台灣認同」,且刻意淡化組織角色,突顯個別公民的倡議身份;其文本傾向使用「我們、年輕人、草根族」召喚捐款人,並以「否定」語境如反國民黨(59%)、反大陸政權(23%)為號召。公民募資看似是由下而上的改革力量,但研究顯示,推進募資動能策略,主要發揮在身份認同的議題,捐款人不可忽略隱藏在政治消費行為背後的政黨化意識形態。
    This study explores the development of "Civic Crowdfunding" from 2012 to 2019 on zaczac and flyingV websites. The citizen behavior of online donation is a way of political participation as well as well-intended political consumption. This study found that the category of "Party-Politics Induced Projects" are the most outstanding in donations of person times and total amount, and such requests are mostly related to cross-strait politics, recall voting, and environmental issues. However, civic crowdfunding practices on behalf of political participation and progress-oriented political consumption, its discourse seems to related with the KMT & DPP party competition, or geopolitics. On the other hand, the call-to-action strategy is straightforward to "Taiwan Recognition". Especially most of the fundraisers deliberately downplay the role of the organization, and set their identity as "Individual Citizens ". Its text aims to use "we, young people, and the grassroots" to distinguish the "Self" for recruiting donors. Meanwhile, the text presents "The Other" position of anti-KMT (59%) and anti-CCP (23%). Civic crowdfunding seems to be a bottom-up reform force; however, research shows that the promotion of fund-raising strategies mainly occurs on issues of self-identity. The donors should not ignore that political ideologies follow by the fundraisers behind the political consumerism.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0107941014
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    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202100312
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