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    Title: 以資訊系統成功模式探討消費者使用線上串流影音平台之影響因素
    A Study on the Consumer’s Intention to Use Online Video Streaming Platforms: The Information System Success Perspectives
    Authors: 古承煒
    Ku, Cheng-Wei
    Contributors: 李易諭

    Ku, Cheng-Wei
    Keywords: 資訊系統成功模型
    The information system success model
    Users’ satisfaction
    Online video streaming platform
    Users’ behavior
    Date: 2021
    Issue Date: 2021-02-01 14:32:12 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 2020年的新冠肺炎疫情造成全球許多經濟活動停擺、城市封鎖,嚴格的防疫規範造成經濟上相當大的損失外,也隨之改變人們生活的樣貌。大家被迫待在家的現象,也造就了宅經濟的成長,因此在大多產業都面臨衰退之際,線上相關應用產業卻逆勢成長。線上影音平台憑著獨特之產品特色,加上宅經濟之驅動,用戶數量與黏著度均大增。但在目前產業競爭逐漸上升之情況下,未來每個平台如何保持自身之成長動力,是每個平台經營者應該思考的。
    The COVID-19 pandemic caused many activities to shut down and cities around the world to lock down in 2020. The regulation of epidemic prevention has resulted in considerable economic losses and changed the way people live. The phenomenon of people being forced to stay at home has also contributed to the growth of the stay-at-home economy, so while most industries are facing a recession, the online industry is growing. With the unique product features and the drive of the stay-at-home economy, the number of users of OTT platforms has increased greatly. However, under the high competition in the industry, how each platform can maintain its own growth momentum in the future is something that each platform should consider.

    This thesis uses the information system success model as the basis for studying the influence of users` use of online video streaming platforms. In addition, this study adds another dimension, "the importance of original content", to measure the importance of the original content provided by online video streaming platforms and how these would affect users’ perceived value, user satisfaction, and purchase intention. This study will propose the factors influencing user satisfaction and purchase intention of online video streaming platforms through this research.

    The results of the study showed that demographic variables vary significantly across some dimensions. Among these dimensions, speed of updates, quality of viewing, and protection of consumer data are most valued by consumers. In the satisfaction analysis, Netflix is more satisfied than Company C, the local online video streaming platform in this study. From the structural equation model, we can see that in order to increase consumers` willingness to purchase, we should enhance their perceived value, and the perceived value is influenced by the information quality. Finally, we propose five managerial implications for online video streaming platform.
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    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0107363102
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202100096
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