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    Title: 一個具中英雙語背景英文教師在台灣不同補習班之雙語教學經驗:個案研究
    A Bilingual English Teacher’s Teaching at Taiwanese Cram Schools: A Case Study
    Authors: 蔡文慈
    Tsai, Wen-Tzu
    Contributors: 招靜琪
    Chao, Chin-Chi
    Tsai, Wen-Tzu
    Keywords: 課案研究
    case study
    bilingual education
    an EMI teacher
    Chinese-English bilingual and international background
    Taiwanese cram schools
    teaching beliefs
    Date: 2020
    Issue Date: 2021-02-01 14:28:46 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 面對全球國際化的趨勢,國家發展委員會以2030前培養臺灣成為雙語國家為目標,提出「2030雙語國家政策發展藍圖」以提升國民英語力。在其政策藍圖實施下,目標之一為培訓能以全英語授課之臺灣教師及招募國際教師以達到從國民小學至大專學院的實施雙語教育的目標。過去研究探討大專學院老師在實施全英語授課所面臨之教學挑戰,但具備中英雙語能力及豐富全英語教學經歷的補習班英語教師面臨之教學挑戰卻需要進一步的研究。
    本研究旨在探討以一位具有中英雙語能力之補習班全英語課程教師如何透過其在國外受教育的學習經歷而形塑的教學信念,並在台灣的考試導向英語教育體制下,如何面對臺灣多元英語教學情境中的雙語教學期望。本研究採質性個案研究,採取學習及教學經驗敘述、訪談教師及課堂觀察為主要資料蒐集來源。結果顯示此具有中英雙語能力及豐富雙語教學經歷之教師秉持的教學信念來自於自身在國外的學習經歷。而在台灣英語教育體制下的雙語期望面臨的教學挑戰,包括: (1)學生缺乏實際說英語的環境 (2)學生習慣於傳統式英語教學而無法適應以英語思考之教學方式 (3)學生考試壓力 (4)英語教材的傳統式編排 (5)家長對雙語教育的錯誤理解及缺乏參與孩子們的英語學習。
    Facing the trend of global internationalization, the National Development Council (2018) aims to cultivate Taiwan as a bilingual country by 2030, and proposed the "Blueprint for Developing Taiwan into a Bilingual Nation by 2030" to enhance the nation’s English proficiency and competitiveness. Under the implementation of the policy, one of the plans is to train EMI teachers and recruit international teachers to achieve the goal of bilingual education from elementary schools to colleges. The purpose of this study is to explore how a cram school all-English courses teacher with Chinese and English bilingual abilities shaped her teaching beliefs through the learning experiences in the ESL contexts, and the pedagogical challenges the teacher has faced in the Taiwanese EFL contexts.
    This case study adopted a qualitative method, using narratives of learning and teaching experiences, in-depth interviews, classroom observations and follow-up interviews as the sources of data collection. The results showed that the teaching beliefs of the English-Chinese bilingual teacher with rich bilingual teaching experiences derived from her learning beliefs, and the way she has managed the pedagogical challenges under the bilingual expectations in the society. The challenges included: (1) a lack of English-speaking context (2) students’ dependence on traditional English teaching (3) examination pressure (4) traditional English textbooks (5) parents` misunderstanding of bilingual teaching. Finally, the findings of this study can be a useful information for English educators, EMI teachers, international teachers and policy makers for deploying future bilingual educational context in Taiwan.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0106951017
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202100047
    Appears in Collections:[英語教學碩士在職專班] 學位論文

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