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    Title: 軍隊社會化與幹部領導統御-影響與對策
    The Socialization of The Army and The Leadership of Cadres: Influence and Countermeasures
    Authors: 鄧穎隆
    Deng, Ying-Long
    Contributors: 周德宇
    Zhou, De-yu
    Deng, Ying-Long
    Keywords: 社會化
    Military Leadership
    Moore’s Strategic Triangle
    Date: 2021
    Issue Date: 2021-02-01 14:25:10 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 隨著社會的變遷及科技的進步,軍隊在社會中的地位,正在經歷重大變革,因為地緣政治的關係,我國地處亞洲各強國利益的中樞位置,國防武力是我們必須面對的問題,每年的國防預算都占國家總預算的大多數,除了軍隊的訓練與武器的獲得可以增加整體戰力外,部隊的管理也是重要的課題。
    With the advancement of science and technology alongside with a vibrant democracy progress, ROC’s armed forces’ presence and perception in the contemporary society have undergone historic changes. Positioned in a sensitive geopolitical context, Taiwan is constantly facing an international power struggle. Building a capable national defense then becomes a nonnegligible problem. While the national defense budget, which the acquisition of new weapons takes the central stage, accounts for a significant portion of the country’s total budget, the overall combat readiness still fall on the realization of military leadership.
    Due to the impact of declining birthrate and a post-modern socialization in recent years, young people have encountered many challenges in adapting to the life and work after signing up for the all-volunteer force. This thesis postulates that the impact of socialization of new recruits is casting a burden on military leadership. An international case study is performed with respect to the development of issues arising in Israel and the United States.
    This thesis then applies a case study approach through a survey to analyze the leadership effectiveness between superiors and subordinates in the military. Employing Mark Moore`s public value model emphasizing values (V), capacity (C) and support (M) dimensions, we measure the relationship between socializing factors (S) with respect to Moore’s V-C-M strategic triangle.
    We propose several policy initiatives such as reshaping management structure, improving recruiting channels, bettering retirement transition and promoting a more diversified learning experience, to enhance the military leadership and as a consequence to create higher public values to the society as a whole.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0108921324
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202100086
    Appears in Collections:[行政管理碩士學程(MEPA)] 學位論文

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