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    Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: https://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/133953

    Title: 主觀幸福感、工作滿足度與國軍離職傾向關聯之研究-以陸軍工兵部隊為例
    A Study of the Relationship between Subjective Well-being, Job Satisfaction and National Army`s Turnover Intention–A Case of the Army Engineer Corps
    Authors: 曾雅鈴
    Zeng, Ya-Ling
    Contributors: 羅光達
    Luo, Guang-Da
    Zeng, Ya-Ling
    Keywords: 主觀幸福感
    Subjective well-being
    Job satisfaction
    Turnover intention
    Logistic regression
    Date: 2020
    Issue Date: 2021-02-01 14:24:33 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 立法院於2011年12月中旬立法院立法通過《兵役法》第16條修正案,一年期義務役士兵於2011年底全數退伍,改徵集4個月役期的常備兵役軍事訓練,部隊主力改以志願役官、士、兵為主,依據2019年公布之國防報告書資料顯示,國軍人員編現比已達85%,然留營率僅75%,換言之,志願役士官兵是否能在部隊長留久用,發揮戰力,為國防部當前重要的課題。就基層幹部而言,提高留營率為人才招募之重點,然現役軍人離職傾向之原因甚多,在部隊福利及薪資待遇優於民間企業的狀況下,本研究試圖以心理因素-主觀幸福感及工作滿足為切入點,探究其與離職傾向之關聯並提出建議事項。
    在本研究中主要抽樣對象為陸軍工兵部隊,針對軍官、士官與士兵包含領導職類等各階級人員,採隨機抽樣方式實施問卷抽樣,並經過二元及序數邏輯斯迴歸(binary logistic and ordered logistic regression)來探討離職傾向與解釋變數當中的關係,在本研究中應用的解釋變數為主觀幸福感及工作滿足度等兩項變數。經過實證分析其結果在解釋變數中工作滿足為顯著,也就是說工作滿足對於離職傾向有明顯的影響。
    The Legislative Yuan passed the 16th Amendment to the Military Service Law in mid-December 2011. The government announced that the one-year compulsory soldiers will be discharged from the military at the end of 2011. Taiwan has recruited soldiers for military training for a four-month service period, and the main force such as the officers and soldiers, have been changed to all voluntary recruits. According to Taiwan’s national defense report published in 2019, the exiting overall personnel compilation ratio of armed forces has reached 85%, but the retention rate is only 75%. To rephrase it, whether the volunteers can stay in the military for a long time and exert their combat power is an important issue for the Ministry of National Defense. Nowadays, increasing the retention rate is the focus of military recruitment. Despite the fact that the current benefits and salaries of the military are better than those of some private enterprises, there are still reasons cause the military personnel’s turnover intention. This research attempts to use the subjective well-being of psychological factors and job satisfaction as the starting point to explore its relationship with turnover intention and make recommendations.
    In this study, the main sampling object is the Army Corps of Engineers, and we use simple random sampling survey for officers, non-commissioned officers and privates, including leaders and other ranks. This study uses Binary Logistic and Ordered Logistic Regression to explore the relationship between turnover intention and predicted variables. The predictive variables used in this study are subjective well-being and job satisfaction. After empirical analysis, the result of job satisfaction is significant in the forecast varia-bles, which means that job satisfaction has a significant impact on turnover intention.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0108921311
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202100024
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