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Title: | 空軍航行管制作業中人為因素影響飛航安全之研究 The Study on Human Factors Affecting Flight Safety in Air Force Air Traffic Control Operations |
Authors: | 葉晉良 Yeh, Jin-Liang |
Contributors: | 連賢明 葉晉良 Yeh, Jin-Liang |
Keywords: | 航行管制 人為因素 飛安風險 層級分析法 人因因素分析與歸類系統 Air traffic control Human factors Flight safety risk Analytic Hierarchy Process Human Factor Analysis and Classification System |
Date: | 2021 |
Issue Date: | 2021-02-01 14:23:28 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 航行管制乃是一項特殊的職業,管制員須具備高度專業的技能,可將航空器在機場及空中的交通以安全、迅速、有序之原則完成引導,並達到風險管控及提升區域航行流量之目的。隨著全球航空業的蓬勃發展,飛安事件亦層出不窮的肇生,據歷年航空失事案例顯示,因人為錯誤所導致的事故高達7成,而犯錯是人類行為的一部分,故航行管制作業疏失中「人為因素」係導致風險發生的主要肇因之一,然影響飛安事件發生的人為因素是複雜且多樣的,利用「層級分析法」可將複雜的問題系統化,蒐集解決問題的要素將其分類為不同的層面,透過各項要素間兩兩成對比較,並由專家訪談賦予評量數據,經Expert Choice軟體運算得出項次排序;另本研究以人為因素為探討主題,將「人因因素分析與歸類系統」導入層級架構中主準則之分類,計建立了4個主準則及14項次準則。 本研究計回收50份問卷,符合一致性檢定問卷23份,專家評量結果,主準則以「不安全的行為」權重值0.405最高,而次準則部分,決策階層人員認為「未落實任務分配及勤前提示」最為重要,權重值0.233,而整體及執行階層人員則一致認為「未按標準作業程序」最為重要,權重值0.263,依不同階層(決策面、執行面)專家分析結果之關聯性加以綜合評估,提供空軍航管改善方向。 Air traffic control is a special job, controllers must possess highly professional skills. They can guide air traffic in a safe, rapid and orderly manner, and achieve the purpose of risk control and increasing regional navigation flow. With the booming global aviation industry, flight safety incidents have also emerged one after another. According to aviation crash cases over the years, 70% of accidents are caused by human error. Mistakes are part of human behavior. Therefore, the "Accidents caused by people" in the negligence of Air traffic control operations "Factor" is one of the main causes of the risk. However, the human factors that affect the flight safety incident are complex and diverse. The use of Analytic Hierarchy Process can systematize complex problems, collect the elements to solve the problem and classify them into different At the level, through pairwise comparisons of various elements, and expert interviews with assessment data,and the item ranking is obtained Calculation via the software of "Expert Choice" .In addition, this study uses "human factors" as the topic of discussion, the human factor analysis and classification system was introduced into the classification of the main criteria in the hierarchy, and a total of 4 main criteria and 14 sub-criteria were established. In this study,50 questionnaires were collected, 23 of which were consistent with the consistency check questionnaire. According to the expert evaluation result, the "unsafe behavior" in the main criterion has the highest weight, with a value of 0.405. In the sub-criterion, the decision-making level thinks "unfulfilled task assignment and pre-work reminder" is the most important, the weight value is 0.233, and the overall and executive level personnel agree that "failure to follow standard operating procedures" is the most important, the weight value is 0.263, which is comprehensively evaluated based on the relevance of expert analysis results of different levels (decision-makingside and execution side), and provide the air force air traffic management improvement direction. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 行政管理碩士學程 108921303 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0108921303 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202100064 |
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