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    Title: 我國工會會員組織承諾之探討
    A Study on Organization Commitment of Union members in Taiwan
    Authors: 郭婷毓
    Kuo, Ting-Yu
    Contributors: 成之約
    Kuo, Ting-Yu
    Keywords: 組織承諾
    Organization commitment
    Union commitment
    Date: 2020
    Issue Date: 2021-02-01 14:17:43 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 工會是勞動者集體發聲的管道,其目的在於締結團體協約。以工會組織角度而言,如何凝聚會員向心力發揮工會最大的效能,為組織治理的重要議題之一。本研究旨在探討影響工會會員對工會組織承諾的因素,了解企業工會、職業工會與產業工會,不同工會類型的會員的在組織承諾知覺的差異,以及不同工會類型的會員對於工會角色認知與工會內部行銷認知的差異,以作工會運作之參考。

    一、 工會角色認知對工會的組織承諾有顯著的正向影響
    二、 工會內部行銷對工會的組織承諾有顯著的正向影響
    三、 會員的人口變項對於組織承諾有部分顯著差異
    四、 不同工會類型在工會角色認知、內部行銷與組織承諾有顯著差異
    Union, which is used to reach a collective bargaining agreement, is a way to organize the voice of labors. From the perspective of union organizing, to govern the organization, it is an important issue that how to unite the group members and maximize the effectiveness of the union. The purpose of this study is to examine the factors that influence union members` commitment to union organizing, also to know the differences in perceptions of commitment among members of business, professional, and industrial unions, and the differences in perceptions of union roles and internal marketing among members of different union types, as a reference for union operations.
    This study surveyed the union members subjects from a financial corporate union, a service craft union, an education craft union, an education industrial union, and a medical industrial union. A total of 281 questionnaires were returned, and a total of 270 is valid. The response rate of valid questionnaires was about 96%. After statistical analyses such as descriptive statistics, t-test, one way ANOVA, and analysis of regression, the results of the survey found as follows:
    1. Role recognition of union has a positive correlation on union commitment.
    2. Internal marketing has a positive correlation on union commitment.
    3. The demographic variable of union members shows significant difference on organizational commitment.
    4. Significant differences in perception of union role, internal marketing, and organizational commitment by union type.
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