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    Title: 臺北市政府汲取首爾市參與式預算經驗之可行性評估
    A Feasibility Assessment on the Lesson-Drawing of Participatory Budgeting of Seoul Special City in Taipei City Government
    Authors: 張雅瑄
    Chang, Ya-Hsuan
    Contributors: 傅凱若
    Fu, Kai-Jo
    Chang, Ya-Hsuan
    Keywords: 參與式預算
    Participatory budgeting
    Participatory budgeting in Seoul Special City
    Date: 2020
    Issue Date: 2021-02-01 14:15:51 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 臺北市辦理參與式預算多年,除展現初步成果,亦逐漸走向常態化,然而,未鑲嵌於體制內之公民參與易因不同政治首長所持有之理念與態度而有所變動,故於臺北市市長柯文哲已連選連任一次之際,下一任市長是否將繼續肯定與支持臺北市參與式預算之推動,便成為本研究所關切之處。韓國首爾市以韓國《地方財政法》第39條與《地方財政法執行法令》第46條作為其推動公民參與預算之基礎,並自行訂定《首爾市公民參與預算條例》,提供了其實施公民參與預算之體制與框架,亦使其推動能夠具備持續性;故本研究以經驗汲取作為理論基礎,並透過深入訪談法,以政府人員、專家學者與議會人員共9位對象為受訪者,探討首爾市公民參與預算於「法律規範」、「主責機關」、「預算學校」與「預算來源」方面之經驗,是否具有值得臺北市經驗汲取之處,以及若臺北市欲汲取首爾市之經驗,該以何種汲取經驗方法汲取之,該些經驗又是否能被臺北市所採用並執行。
    The participatory budgeting (PB) in Taipei City has been held for many years, except showing its preliminary results, it is also gradually becoming normalized. However, citizen participation that is not embedded in the system is liable to change due to different mayors’ ideas and attitudes. Therefore, whether the next mayor of Taipei City continues to support the implementation of PB in Taipei City by the time the mayor of Taipei City, Wen-Je Ko, has already been won re-election, become the concern of this research. On the other hand, the PB of Seoul Special City based its implementation on Article 39 of the Local Finance Act and Article 46 of the Enforcement Ordinance of the Local Finance Act. Besides, Seoul Metropolitan Government formulated the Seoul City Citizen Participation Budget System Operation Ordinance to provide the system and framework for implementing PB and make the implementation sustainable. Thus, this research is based on lesson-drawing theory and takes the in-depth interview as the research method. Hope to understand if it is worth that Taipei City Government to draw a lesson from the PB implementation experience of Seoul Special City in terms of “legal norm,” “PM agency,” “budget school,” and “budget source.” Besides, what kind of lesson-drawing method should be selected and whether the PB implementation experience of Seoul Special City can be adopted and implemented in Taipei City Government are also important issues of this research.
    The results indicate that, first of all, part of the PB implementation experience of Seoul Special City is worth lesson drawing. Second, if the Taipei City Government wants to draw a lesson from the PB implementation experience of Seoul Special City, it can take “inspiration” as the primary lesson-drawing method. Third, the difference in prospective evaluation results will form different lesson-drawing situations. If the Taipei City Government wants to adopt and implement the PB implementation experience of Seoul Special City in terms of “legal norm” and “budget school,” it may form a “desirable” lesson-drawing situation. However, suppose the Taipei City Government intends to adopt and implement the PB implementation experience of Seoul Special City in terms of “PM agency” and “budget sources.” In that case, it may form a “doubly rejected” lesson-drawing situation or face the situation that such experience is just an “unwanted administrative (technical) solution” for Taipei City Government. Accordingly, this research puts forward five research recommendations based on the above research results:
    1. In the short term, legalization can ensure the continuity of the PB implementation in Taipei City.
    2. Strive for the support of the central act of PB implementation.
    3. Develop citizens’ habit of participating in PB and improve implementation effectiveness to maintain long-term implementation.
    4. Offer an intensive educational course with a high practical proportion for new members of the Citizen Participation Committee.
    5. Enhance the grade level of the PB contact person of the bureau in Taipei City Government.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0106256032
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202100125
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