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    Title: 探討台灣網紅母親在Instagram上的自我呈現
    Are We Perfect Mothers Yet? Exploring Taiwanese Mother Influencers’ Self-presentation on Instagram
    Authors: 王希予
    Wang, Hsi-Yu
    Contributors: 王淑美
    Wang, Sumei
    Wang, Hsi-Yu
    Keywords: 母職
    maternal identity
    social media
    East Asia
    Date: 2021
    Issue Date: 2021-02-01 14:15:32 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: Instagram在台灣已有高度使用率,而使用社群媒體的人數更是逐年攀升,其中Instagram以影像為主的環境和使用者原創的特性與網紅的產生息息相關,因此,Instagram網紅值得更深入地探究。使用社群媒體的族群在現今也不僅限於青少年。相較於父親,母親傾向使用社群平台汲取養育資訊,也成為此項研究著重的對象。尤其在台灣社會以及文化影響之下,母親呈現自己的方式與圖像也會有所不同。研究中以線上觀察以及深度訪談作為研究方法揭開網紅母親自我呈現。此項研究揭露父權體制下的母親如何呈現自我並商品化本身成為父權的產物。
    Taiwan has become a country with high mobile usages on Instagram. The increasing population engaging in the social media platform has led to the proliferation of influencers. The user-generated content and its image-based environment allow individuals to present themselves. The reflective features of exploring self-presentation targeted this research towards exploring the social-cultural meanings behind the visual pictures on Instagram profiles. Moreover, social media has transformed into a platform where parents could seek parenting information. In this research, mothers were the primary target group since their comparatively-high engagements among parents on social media.
    Overarching self-presentation in this research, the analysis was based on decoding the mothers’ manifestations on Instagram and unveiling the motivations of manifesting themselves from their narratives. In this qualitative research, online observation and in-depth interviews on seven Taiwanese mother influencers on Instagram. Findings of the two-staged investigations explained the mother influencers’ phenomenon of constructing ideal self-presentation on Instagram. Results revealed that Taiwanese mothers on Instagram were unaware of they were under the tremendous influencer of patriarchal beliefs and thus commodified themselves as the products of patriarchy.
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