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    Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: https://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/133878

    Title: 臺灣大學圖書館與首爾大學圖書館學科服務與學科館員比較研究
    A Comparative Study of the Subject Service and Subject Librarians: Between The National Taiwan University Library and Seoul National University Library
    Authors: 安智鉉
    An, Ji-Hyun
    Contributors: 王梅玲
    Wang, Mei-Ling
    An, Ji-Hyun
    Keywords: 大學圖書館
    University Library
    Subject Service
    Subject Librarian
    Embedded Library Service
    Embedded Librarian
    Date: 2020
    Issue Date: 2021-02-01 14:06:28 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 大學圖書館是大學的重要組成部分,是大學內的一個文化載體和場所,是在校學生課程之外的課外活動,是師生獲得資訊及知識的重要機構,是師生開展專業學習和科學研究的重要基地,是大學實現教育功能的重要渠道。
    The university library is an important part of the university. This is a cultural carrier and place within the university, and an extracurricular activity outside the school curriculum, moreover an important institution for teachers and students to acquire information and knowledge. In addition an important base for teachers and students to carry out professional study and scientific research, furthermore an important channel for universities to realize its educational function.
    Subject service is a deep, specialized and innovative information service. As the content of library subject service deepens, the scope of service expands and the service center expands, the emphasis of subject service gradually spreads from the original to the deep. For Taiwan and South Korea, apart from a few university libraries, The cognition of subject services is low in itself, and there are not many university libraries offering high-finished subject services. The National Taiwan University Library and the Seoul National University Library are representative of each country, one of the first to introduce academic services in each countries, and also a university library to provide excellent academic services.
    The research is conducted in depth interview and content analysis method to explore the similarities and differences between National Taiwan University Library and Seoul National University Library Subject service and Subject librarian. This study concludes: (1) Duties, competence and training of subject librarians and the organizational role of subject service in the National Taiwan University Library; (2) Duties, competence and training of subject librarians and the organizational role of subject service in the Seoul National University Library; (3) The commonalities and differences between the the subject service management model and the subject librarian system of the National Taiwan University Library and the Seoul National University Library; (4) The Subject services have a positive effect on improving the quality of service in the university libraries; (5) The subject background of the subject librarian is not a necessary element; (6) The National Taiwan University Library and the Seoul National University Library do not provide professional education for subject librarian training; (7) The National Taiwan University Library and the Seoul National University Library have very similar backgrounds and development processes, but they have shown different developments in recent years; (8) There is no obvious differences due to their national differences between the National Taiwan University Library and the Seoul National University Library; (9) Working yourself up to being a subject specialist or being complacent as a liaison librarian?; (10) Differences between this study and domestic correlation studies.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0107155026
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    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202100009
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