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    Title: 論新穎性食品管制措施在WTO/SPS協定下之合法性與貿易爭議
    A Study on the Legality and the Trade Issues of the Novel Food Regulations under WTO/SPS Agreement
    Authors: 賴珮萱
    Lai, Pei-Hsuan
    Contributors: 楊培侃
    Yang, Pei-Kan
    Lai, Pei-Hsuan
    Keywords: 新穎性食品
    Novel food
    Novel food regulation
    Traditional food
    SPS Agreement
    Food safety assessment
    Date: 2020
    Issue Date: 2021-02-01 13:58:20 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 隨著國際貿易的頻繁化及快速的科技發展,使用新興科技所生產之食品以及來自其他國家之未有安全食用歷史的食品,逐漸流通於各國之市場。對此等新穎性食品,因各國基於不同食品安全保護水準與飲食習慣所訂立之規範不盡相同,而此等規範差異逐漸形成貿易限制,從而引發新穎性食品管制規範是否符合世界貿易組織(World Trade Organization, WTO)食品安全檢驗與動物植物防疫檢疫措施協定(Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures,SPS協定)規範要求之疑慮。因此,本文擬先探討新穎性食品的基本概念後,分別針對新穎性食品之定義規範、風險評估措施與上市前核准機制等三種管制態樣,探討各國之新穎性食品規範內容之差別與可能引起貿易爭議之管制措施。

    經檢視WTO/SPS協定之規定與WTO會員曾經提出的貿易關切內容,本文認為屬於「未有安全食用歷史」而受管制之新穎性食品,管制上大多依據各國訂立之SPS適當保護水準(appropriate level of protection),因而可能引發審核規範本身是否基於科學證據原則,或是造成歧視性待遇之疑慮。又新穎性食品種類繁多,若統一適用同一審核程序,可能對食用風險較低之食品產生不必要貿易障礙。就程序性規範而言,其不僅應詳列流程,亦需從中減少可能產生不當遲延等事項,以減少進口產品進入市場所應花費之成本。針對以上可能引發之貿易爭議,本文透過法規與實務案例整理,更進一步瞭解新穎性食品法規制定之雛形。
    With the rapid development of technology and increasing international trade, foods that are produced by advance technology or those do not provide significant history of consumption have existed in markets globally. Governments usually enact food safety legislation on these so-called “novel foods” based on the patterns of diet of citizen as well as different appropriate levels of protection. Therefore, the regulations vary from country to country and may lead to trade barriers. The possibility of establishing trade restrictions triggers the discussion of legality on novel food regulations under WTO/SPS agreement. Considering the matter in this aspect, this essay first delineates the essential concept of novel food, and further examines the difference among novel food regulations together with potential trade disputes through three types of regulatory measures, including definition, risk assessment and pre-market authorisation.

    When it comes to the food without labeling the “history of safe use”, countries generally design inspectional measures based on individual “SPS appropriate level of protection”. By reviewing WTO/SPS agreement and specific trade concerns submitted by WTO members, this kind of measures may result in the violation of scientific justification and non-discrimination rules. Furthermore, due to the great variety of categories novel food includes, applying “one size fits all” option may create unnecessary trade barriers to low-risk food. With respect to procedural law, governments should reduce the cost that exporters should spend by listing the process thoroughly and decreasing the frequency of “undue delay”. Based on the trade rules and past jurisprudence under WTO, this article aims to analyze the legality of novel food regulations under WTO/SPS agreement based on existing novel food regulations and practices by selected states.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0106351046
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202100030
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