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    Title: 公共政策的設計與變遷:以交通部觀光局觀光旅遊補助政策為例之研究(2018-2019)
    The Design and Changes of Public Policy: Taking the Tourism Subsidy Policy as An Example (2018-2019)
    Authors: 蔡孟宏
    Tsai, Meng-Hong
    Contributors: 陳敦源
    Chen, Don-Yun
    Tsai, Meng-Hong
    Keywords: 政策設計
    Policy design
    Policy change
    Domestic tourism
    Tourism subsidy
    Subsidy policy
    Date: 2020
    Issue Date: 2021-01-04 11:20:16 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 觀光旅遊已成為我國重要的產業,不僅創造許多工作機會,更帶來龐大的外匯,而隨著天災、國內外情勢等,讓國內觀光旅遊出現消退,政府隨而制定旅遊補助政策以挽救低靡的觀光。本研究分析從2018年到2019年間,交通部觀光局分別推出的「宜花東高屏暖冬遊」、「擴大國旅暖冬遊」、「春遊專案」、「擴大秋冬國民旅遊」等四個接續的政策,希望透過政策引導民眾前往旅遊以振興觀光產業。
    Tourism has become an important industry in Taiwan. It not only creates many job opportunities, but also brings huge foreign exchange. With natural disasters and domestic and foreign situations, domestic tourism has faded, and the government has subsequently formulated tourism subsidy policies to save the tourism industry in Taiwan. This study analyzes four successive policies, namely "Warm-Winter Tour Project ", "Expanding Warm-Winter Tour Project ", "Spring Tour Project", and "Expanding Autumn and Winter National Tourism Project", which were launched by the Tourism Bureau of the Ministry of Transport in Taiwan from 2018 to 2019. Expecting that policies will guide people to travel to revitalize the tourism industry.
    This research redraws the concept of policy design from the aspects of tool, political, and circular to analyze four large-scale and continuous tourism subsidy, hoping to understand why these policies had changed in the process of the policy design, and explain restrictions and elements of it. Through secondary data, we can observe that whether the policies had achieved their goals, and explain the process and feedback of policy design through interviews with stakeholders. From the secondary data, we can tell that the number of tourists and the average housing rate under the subsidy policies did increase, and it can be claimed that the policies took effect. In the interview, it is also learned that although the tourism subsidy policy is helpful in a short period of time, whether if it should continue to be implemented, there are doubts about the negative effects that will be harmful to the development of tourism.
    As for the concept of policy design, it can be observed that the tourism subsidy policy is a policy with limited space to change. Simultaneously, the process of policy design is strongly affected by other stakeholders, limiting the space that can be designed. The consequences not only show that the general direction of tourism subsidy cannot be changed, also designers can only design in a limited space. This research also finds that the more people pay attention to a policy, the less likely it is going to carry out drastic reforms, which means that more efforts and coordination are needed to make the policy run smoothly.
    In conclusion, this research believes that the policy design of tourism subsidy is the adjustment of forced output in a limited space. In addition to rational analysis, it is necessary to pay attention to the irrational level and other restrictive factors. In terms of policy recommendations, we can move towards the establishment of a clearer development of passenger footprints and regulations, so that policies can be more on point, and the value of tourism can be reconsidered to provide legitimacy for policies.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0107256012
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202001833
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