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    Title: 情緒勒索及無所不在科技壓力之關聯後果探究
    An Exploration Study of Relationships and Consequences of Emotional Blackmail and Ubiquitous Techno-Stress
    Authors: 黃家彥
    Huang, Chia-Yen
    Contributors: 洪為璽

    Hung, Wei-Hsi
    Yang, Jiann-Min

    Huang, Chia-Yen
    Keywords: 情緒勒索
    Emotional blackmail
    Ubiquitous technostress
    Job satisfaction
    Turnover intention
    Personality traits
    Coping strategy
    Date: 2020
    Issue Date: 2021-01-04 10:47:32 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 行動科技的進步,使人們溝通的方式已經不像以往,必須面對面或是以電話做為媒介,而是轉往使用通訊軟體,基本上只要處於有網路的環境,我們可以隨時隨地地使用這樣的軟體。Line通訊軟體在臺灣具有高使用率及高依賴性,職場因此開始導入並允許使用這類的資訊科技,儘管這些新型態工具的特色能夠帶來顯著的便利,但它也可能是負面性的,包括成癮、濫用、分散注意力、浪費時間和科技壓力。Line的無所不在的特性讓訊息發送方可以隨時隨地發送訊息,這項特性將可能模糊上班與下班的界線,導致科技侵犯,甚至成為發送方對接收方情緒勒索的工具,進一步造成接收方的工作滿意度下降,無法承受壓力因而辭職。本研究將以工作職場為研究情境,探討無所不在科技壓力與情緒勒索之間的關係,以及它們會不會導致工作滿意度下降或是離職傾向增加,另外也探討人格特質以及因應策略如何影響情緒勒索所帶來的影響。
    Nowadays, we use the communication software instead of being face to face or using the telephone. Basically, as long as we are in a networked environment, we can use it anytime, anywhere. Due to the high usage rate and high dependence of Line in Taiwan, the workplace began to adopt and allow the use of such kind of information technology. Although the features of this kind of new information technology can bring significant convenience to us, they also have shortcomings, including addiction, abuse, distraction, wasting our time, and technostress. Line`s ubiquitous feature allows senders to send messages anytime, anywhere. This feature may blur the line between on duty and off work, leading to techno-invasion and becoming a tool of emotional blackmail for the sender. These characteristics may reduce the receiver`s job satisfaction and let receiver want to quit his job. This research is based on the workplace as a research context to explore the relationship between ubiquitous technostress and emotional blackmail, and whether emotional blackmail will lead to a decline in job satisfaction or an increase in turnover intention. It also explores how personality traits and coping strategies affect the relationship of emotional blackmail and job satisfaction or turnover intention.
    In this study, a total of 439 valid questionnaires were collected from working staff who have used communication software. The results show that techno-invasion and access to technology positively affected emotional blackmail, and emotional blackmail would negatively affect job satisfaction and positive influence on turnover intention. About moderating affects, this study finds that the coping strategies affects the relationship between emotional blackmail and job satisfaction or turnover intention. Openness and conscientiousness personality traits affect the relationship between emotional blackmail and job satisfaction. Extroversion, conscientiousness and agreeableness personality traits can affect the relationship between emotional blackmail and turnover intentions. Therefore, this research proposes a conclusion that ubiquitous technostress is indeed associated with emotional blackmail in the workplace, which will result in a decline in job satisfaction and an increase in turnover intention. In addition, coping strategies and openness, agreeableness, extroversion and conscientiousness personality traits will moderate the consequences of emotional blackmail. This conclusion not only provides implications for future research on emotional blackmail, but also allows managers to better use of communication software in the workplace.
    Reference: 中文部分
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