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Title: | 政治語言中的譬喻使用研究:以2018年高雄市市長韓國瑜競選活動為語料 Metaphor in Political Language: A Case Study of Kuo-yu Han in 2018 Kaohsiung Mayor Election Campaigns |
Authors: | 鄭至修 Jheng, Jhih-Siou |
Contributors: | 張郇慧 Chang, Hsun-Huei 鄭至修 Jheng, Jhih-Siou |
Keywords: | 政治語言 韓國瑜 譬喻 概念性隱喻 Political Language Metaphor Conceptual Metaphor |
Date: | 2020 |
Issue Date: | 2021-01-04 10:39:44 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本篇研究將以語言分析的方式探討2018年高雄市市長選舉,本研究為質性研究以Brown and Levinson(1978)的禮貌理論(Politeness Theory)作為理論背景,進而解釋為何政治人物在身處不同的場合當中與面對不同說話對象時政治語言之行為會有所改變,此外,本研究將從語用學的角度並透過Lakoff 和 Johnson(1980)提出的概念性隱喻(Conceptual Metaphor)作為語料的主要分析依據,在資料收集上,所有的競選活動皆以網路影片發表為主,韓國瑜在競選高雄市市長期間的網路影片包含有:1.造勢晚會、2. 選舉辯論、3. 官方競選宣傳影片,我們將逐字記錄下來並進行政治語言分析,而從本研究的結果得知韓國瑜使用譬喻概念與「庶民」的個人形象結合或許能為他的政治意圖達到一定的效果。 This study aims to investigate one of Taiwan politicians, Kuo-yu Han’s political language in 2018 Kaohsiung Mayor Election Campaigns. It’s a qualitative case study using Brown and Levinson`s Politeness Theory (1978) as the theoretical background of this study to explain why politicians’ language varies from where it’s used. Besides, from the perspective of pragmatics, this research was analyzed on the basis of Conceptual Metaphor proposed by Lakoff & Johnson (1980). All data of Kuo-yu Han’s political language in 2018 Kaohsiung Mayor Election Campaigns gathered from online videos including 1. Campaign Rallies, 2. Election Debates 3. Official Campaign Films were transcribed. As a result of this study, we found that Kuo-yu Han use metaphor in his political language combined with his personal image of " civilian " may be able to achieve certain effects for his political purposes. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 語言學研究所 107555003 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0107555003 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202001810 |
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