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    Title: 從活動理論和文本身份探討中國大陸研究生跨場域之學術英語讀寫歷程:一個敘事探究
    A Narrative Inquiry on Chinese Mainland Graduate Students’ Cross-contextual Academic Literacy Trajectories from the Lens of Activity Theory and Textual Identity
    Authors: 宋蓓蓓
    Song, Bei-Bei
    Contributors: 招靜琪
    Chao, Chin-Chi
    Song, Bei-Bei
    Keywords: 跨場域學術英語讀寫
    Cross-contextual academic literacy
    Narrative inquiry
    Activity theory
    Textual identity
    Chinese Mainland graduate students
    Date: 2020
    Issue Date: 2021-01-04 10:36:37 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本縱貫性敘事探究重構和再現了兩位博士生(假名為美麗和夏天)在中國大陸、臺灣和日本之間跨場域的學術英語讀寫歷程。此敘事探究的重點在於揭示:當兩位受訪者試圖融入讀寫實踐和社會文化環境的動態互動中,她們的學術英語讀寫如何適應和參與到目的環境的文化之中。基於Engeström’s (1987, 2001) 的活動理論和Block’s (2009) 的文本身份,本研究試圖回答兩個研究問題:1.中國大陸研究生在不同學術場域轉換時,他們經歷了怎樣的學術英語讀寫歷程?這些歷程是如何在活動系統中呈現出來的?2.在受訪者的跨場域學術歷程中,有哪些內部衝突和全方位的變革?他們是如何理解這些衝突和變革的?
    資料搜集歷時38個月,通過六種途徑實現三角檢測(Shenton, 2004):口述,半結構式訪談,影子跟蹤,非正式的對話,研究者的田野筆記和備忘錄以及相關的檔案資料,如學術相關的作業或圖片。資料分析後,兩位受訪者的學術讀寫歷程經歷了三個階段的轉變:從在大陸求學時艱苦但順利的學習經歷,到抵台初期遇到了學術英語閱讀上的挑戰和挫折,再到臨近畢業時不斷提升的讀寫能力卻在國際發表上遇到困難,从而使他们畢業後回到大陸,無法适应充滿競爭的學術環境。在活動理論的指導下,筆者分別對每位受訪者五個階段的學術讀寫歷程總結為四個活動系統,以此回答了第一個研究問題。對於第二個研究問題,結果顯示有十三個明顯的內部衝突和三個全方位的變革。為了探究受訪者如何理解這些衝突和變革,基於學術讀寫的一個核心主題和三個次主題產生了,其中核心主題顯示,跨場域的學術英語讀寫是一個社會化和文化適應的過程,這個過程和不斷轉變的文本身份相互作用。而三個全方位變革則解釋了為什麼兩位受訪者在獨立的環境中可以完成目標,一旦跨場域就遇到了意想不到的阻礙和衝突。
    研究結果從理論上、方法論上和教學法上給出了的啟示。理論上,活動理論作為一個主要架構可以全方位、系統化地解釋學術英語讀寫的社會化和文化適應過程。方法論上,敘事探究以其顯著的“反思性”特徵著稱,被認為是合適的研究方法,通過生命故事來記錄和分析受訪者的學術英語讀寫歷程 (Connelly & Clandinin, 2006)。教學法上,本研究基於學術英語讀寫在不同場域的社會化和文化適應,尤其側重亞洲學術圈,對研究機構和教師分別給出了教學啟示。此外,本研究從場域、受訪者和方法上分別提出了建議。第一,對於學術英語讀寫社會化相關的研究,跨場域的亞洲學術圈應該受到重視。第二,未來的研究應該側重在非英語為母語的人文社科領域的研究生上,尤其是博士生。第三,關於學術英語讀寫的社會化和語篇社會化 (Duff, 2011),質性研究的方法應該被提倡。最後,本研究提出了三個侷限性,分別涉及受訪者的專業、學術環境和不同聲音的多元化上。
    This longitudinal narrative inquiry reconstructs and represents two doctoral students’ (Meili and Xiatian as pseudonyms) cross-contextual academic literacy (AL afterwards) trajectories in Chinese Mainland (CM afterwards), Taiwan and Japan. The research focus of this inquiry-based study is to reveal how two participants’ AL socializes and culturalizes into the target communities as they engage and negotiate in the dynamic interactions between literacy practices and sociocultural contexts. Drawing on Engeström’s (1987, 2001) activity theory and Block`s (2009) textual identity, this study attempts to address two research questions: 1. What AL trajectories have CM graduate students experienced through their dialogic relationships with multiple academia? And how are their AL trajectories revealed as unique activity systems across different academic communities? 2. What inner contradictions and expansive transformations do participants encounter in the cross-contextual AL trajectories, and how do they make sense of them?
    Data were collected within 38 months across six sources for triangulation (Shenton, 2004): oral narratives, semi-structured interviews, shadowing observations, frequent informal conversations, researchers’ field notes and memos, and relevant documents like participants’ academic assignments or pictures. After data analysis, two participants’ AL trajectories emerged with three transitional phases: from the tough but smooth experiences studying in CM, to the challenge and frustration in academic reading upon arrival in Taiwan yet gradually improved literacy upon graduation, and then moving to the difficult attempt in international publication facing the future competitive CM academic context. Under the guidance of activity theory, each participant’s AL trajectory across five Stages was summarized into four activity systems to address the first research question. For the second research question, thirteen conspicuous inner contradictions and three expansive transformations were elicited. To investigate how participants made sense of these contradictions and transformations, one core theme with three sub-themes have emerged with the core theme indicating that cross-contextual AL is associated with the necessary socialization and enculturation process dynamically interacting with shifted textual identities. The expansive transformations make it clear why both participants suffered and struggled across contexts while achieving success in isolated settings.
    The research findings give rise to implications from theoretical, methodological and pedagogical perspectives. Theoretically speaking, activity theory as the key framework provides a holistic and systematic interpretation to the AL socialization and enculturation. Concerning methodology, narrative inquiry known for its prominent feature -- reflexivity involved in research, is identified to be appropriate in documenting and analyzing participants’ AL trajectories through life stories (Connelly & Clandinin, 2006). In terms of pedagogical angle, this study provides implications for institutions and instructors in AL socialization and enculturation across multiple contexts, particularly in Asian academic communities. Moreover, this study suggests three essential themes regarding context, participant and approach for the following explorations. First of all, cross-contextually Asian academic environments need to be emphasized in the AL socialization studies. Secondly, future studies need to be directed to non-native humanity and social science graduate students, particularly the doctoral students. The last lies in the advocacy of qualitative approaches in AL socialization or discourse socialization (Duff, 2011). Last but not least, three limitations regarding participants’ discipline, academic contexts and multiple voices are also provided.
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    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202001848
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