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    Title: 以潛在類別分析法探討Instagram中的社交梳理類型及其限時動態遊戲濾鏡使用策略
    An Investigation of the Relationship between Social Grooming Styles on Instagram and the Usages of Filter Games - A Latent Class Analysis
    Authors: 錢炯翰
    Chien, Chiung-Han
    Contributors: 林日璇
    Lin, Jih-Hsuan
    Chien, Chiung-Han
    Keywords: 社交梳理類型
    Social Grooming Style
    Instagram stories
    Instagram filters
    Signaling theory
    Date: 2020
    Issue Date: 2020-11-03 11:31:21 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 社交梳理行為(social grooming behavior)是種日常生活中與他人建立社交連結和維繫關係的行為(Donath, 2007)。本研究承接Lin(2019)的研究,以訊號理論的觀點解釋Instagram上的社交梳理行為。透過潛在類別分析法(latent categories analysis, LCA)將台灣的Instagram使用者(N = 907)劃分為五種社交梳理類型:生活分享者、爭論者、關係維繫者、流行傳播者與社交花蝴蝶。
    本研究貢獻了Instagram使用者類型與行為的研究,並再度證實了社群媒體中的社交行為會隨著使用者特質而改變(Ellison & Vitak, 2015)。
    Social grooming behavior denotes the behaviors that people form social ties and maintain their relationships (Donath, 2007). This study employs the social grooming framework from Lin (2019), analyzing the social grooming behaviors on Instagram through the lens of signaling theory. With a sample from Taiwan Instagram users (N = 907), a latent class analysis (LCA) revealed five Instagram social grooming styles: life sharer, debater, lurker, fashion communicator, and social butterfly.
    This study reveals that the behaviors on Instagram are distinct from each social grooming style. Trend Followers are the highest usage style among the five. Lurkers, by contrast, upload the posts or stories the less. Besides, social grooming style is not associated with the degree and times of playing filter games. However, the findings suggest that part of the types (life sharers, lurkers, and social butterflies) are inclined to post the game clips on the stories when they received less compentence during the game.
    This study makes theoretical contributions to Instagram user styles and behaviors. The current study confirms that the social behaviors in social media differ from the characteristics of users (Ellison & Vitak, 2015).
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0107464041
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202001775
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