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    Title: 張家山漢簡《二年律令.錢律》與漢初貨幣的法制化
    “The Bamboo Slips of Zhangjiashan “ Second year Law-Monetary Law ”and the Legalization of Currency in the Early Han Dynasty ”
    Authors: 洪弘毅
    Hung, Hung-Yi
    Contributors: 江玉林
    Hung, Hung-Yi
    Keywords: 二年律令
    Second-Year Law
    Monetary Law
    Currency Regulation
    Currency history
    Date: 2020
    Issue Date: 2020-11-03 11:28:35 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 張家山漢簡《二年律令》是西元1983年在湖北江陵張家山 M247號漢墓出土的一批漢初竹簡,內容為漢初法律之集成。本文以《二年律令》中的<錢律>為研究對象,探討律文內容與漢代初期中國貨幣法制化的形成歷程與實務運作。
    The Zhangjiashan Han Bamboo Texts “Second-Year Law” is a batch of bamboo slips unearthed in 1983 in the Han Tomb M247 at Zhangjiashan of Jiangling County, Hubei Province. It contains 27 types of Han Laws and one type of Jinguan Law, which is a collection of laws from the early Han era. This essay takes “Monetary Law” in the “Second-Year Law” as the research object, and discusses the content as well as the history and application of legalizing the Chinese currency in the early Han Dynasty. 

    China’s ancient currency evolved from shells and other commodity money during the Yin Shang Period to the complex metal coinage during the Spring, Autumn and Warring States Periods. Such complexity was a reflection of the diversified socio-economic system of ancient China during a time when each state claimed its own authority. The states were unified during Qin Dynasty and the government was centralized. It indirectly formed a closed socio-economic control network. The complex currencies were also unified, which meant the state power officially intervened in the local economy. The coordination of laws and local administration ensured the effective operation and execution of this economic control network.

    Many articles in “Monetary Law” inherited the legislative principles of the military-agriculture integrated system during Qin Dynasty’s wartime, and elevated the punishment for economic crimes to death penalty. There was no significant efficacy, however, based on the empirical evidence documents in literatures. Therefore, Emperor Wen in the early Han era initiated another reform, which provided supporting measures to economic policies. This finally stabilized the currency system and pathed the way to the renowned Wenjing era during Han Dynasty.
    This essay starts with the research of “Monetary Law” and ends with the implementation results. From the fragments of a long history, it attempts to discover the source of control by the political-power holder over the monetary market through two thousand years of Chinese history, so as to understand the foundation and module of the socio-economic control under a centralized system.
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    (四) 碩博士論文

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    10. 韓厚明,《張家山漢簡字詞集釋》(吉林:吉林大學古籍研究所博士論文,2018)。
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0101961013
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202001773
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