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    Title: 服務平台創新,對顧客認知價值與忠誠度之影響研究-以租賃住宅管理平台為例
    The effects of e-service innovation, perceived value and loyalty - rental housing management platform as an example
    Authors: 陳君偉
    Chen, Chun-Wei
    Contributors: 李易諭

    Chen, Chun-Wei
    Keywords: e化服務品質
    E-service quality
    Customer cognitive value
    Date: 2020
    Issue Date: 2020-10-05 15:20:02 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 在經濟發展過程中,台灣因資源分配不均促使企業為了效率將公司設立在都市,造成工作機會過度集中。政府於2018年06月27日通過「租賃住宅市場發展及管理條例」,希望透過立法、租賃住宅管理人員認證考核,來改革租賃住宅市場的亂象,進而保障租賃當事人權益並維護人民居住權益。2019年底,已有589家合格包租代管業者及5,233位通過租賃住宅管理人員認證考核,因此,本研究希望透過科技的力量,提高從業人員效率及租客忠誠度。
    In the process of economic development, Taiwan’s uneven distribution of resources prompted companies to set up companies in cities for efficiency, resulting in excessive concentration of job opportunities. The government passed the "Regulations on the Development and Management of the Rental Housing Market" on June 27, 2018. It hopes to reform the chaos in the rental housing market through legislation and the certification and assessment of rental housing managers, so as to protect the rights of lease parties and protect the rights of people`s housing. At the end of 2019, there were 589 qualified rental agency operators and 5,233 who passed the certification assessment of rental residential management personnel. Therefore, this research hopes to use the power of technology to improve the efficiency of employees and the loyalty of tenants.

    The purpose of this research is to explore the relationship between the e-service quality of innovative functions, customer cognitive value and loyalty, and to study the five innovative functions of the rental housing management platform (multiple rent payment methods, automatic payment of water and electricity and gas, and equipment failure reporting system , No advance payment of equipment maintenance fees, home safety) whether there is a positive and significant relationship between customer cognitive value, loyalty and business operation, the research process of this study is as follows. First of all, one-on-one interviews with the industry’s leading companies, through the interviews to understand the status of the industry, the existing service process and the government`s views on promoting the certification of rental housing managers. Second, analyze the existing service process, and compare the existing service blueprint and the service blueprint after the introduction of the rental housing management level, showing that the system can automate the routine trivial tasks and reduce the labor cost. The third is to collect data. In this study, a total of 425 questionnaires were distributed, and a total of 250 questionnaires were retrieved. There were 211 valid questionnaires, and the sample effective rate was 49.6%. Fourth, data analysis. This study uses SPSS and SmartPLS two analysis tools to analyze ANOVA, Pearson correlation coefficient, and PLS. Finally, from the interpretation of the results of the analysis, this researcher believes that the innovative functions proposed by this research are worthy of enterprise introduction, but special attention should be paid to UI/UX and operating procedures when importing, and trusted companies (persons) can assist in promotion. Improve customer trust in the rental management platform. In addition, companies must treat the consumption of credit cards well, because they are more willing to recommend things to relatives and friends, and they are expected to serve as trusted people to increase the trustees’ trust in the company.
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    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0107363069
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    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202001749
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