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Title: | 檔案學核心課程與相關課程之研究 A Study on the Core Curriculum and Correlated Curriculum of Archival Studies |
Authors: | 鄭琇心 Cheng, Hsiu-Hsin |
Contributors: | 薛理桂 Hsueh, Li Kuei 鄭琇心 Cheng, Hsiu-Hsin |
Keywords: | 檔案學 核心課程 主題式課程 跨學科課程 檔案學相關課程 Archival Studies Core Curriculum Integrated Curriculum Interdisciplinary Curriculum Correlated Curriculum of Archival Atudies |
Date: | 2019 |
Issue Date: | 2020-10-05 15:15:31 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 儘管國內檔案學教育的發展,已不斷完善其課程設置,但仍存在與檔案學課程有關的結構化及統一的問題。若要使檔案學課程更加完善及系統化,就必須建立國內檔案學核心課程與相關課程的設置原則。 本研究透過課程設計的概念,探討了檔案學核心課程與相關課程的定義與內涵,總結了美國、英國、中國及國內檔案學課程的發展情形,並與檔案學核心課程與相關課程進行初步的分類對應。使用兩次的疊慧問卷調查,並運用統計工具,綜合歸納國內檔案學專家學者及實務工作者提供的寶貴意見。核心課程屬於基礎或獨特的專業課程,檔案學相關課程屬於整合與擴展的進階課程,最後將完成國內檔案學核心課程及相關課程的設置原則。 研究結果發現,適用國內檔案學核心課程共有五門;主題式課程共六門;跨學科課程共七門,預期能帶給國內檔案學課程發展之莫大助益。 The domestic development of education of archival studies has been continually refined into its curriculum in response to the changing times and the needs of core technology, but still exist structured and unified issues. If the curriculum of archival studies is to be more refined and systematic, the set up rule of the core curriculum and correlated curriculum of archival studies must be established. We explored the definition and connotation of the core curriculum and correlated curriculum of archival studies through concept of curriculum design, and summarized the situation and development of curriculum of archival studies, including of America、England、China and domestic, and corresponding to the core curriculum and correlated curriculum of archival studies. Using Delphi Method and supplemented by statistical tools to integrate the feedback of the experts, scholars, domestic practitioners of archival studies and our studied results. Core curriculum belongs to basic or unique professional curriculum and correlated curriculum of archival studies belongs to advanced curriculum of integration and extension. Finally, we completed the set up rule of the core curriculum and correlated curriculum of archival studies in domestic. The study found that there are five courses in core curriculum, six courses in iintegrated curriculum and seven courses in interdisciplinary curriculum, which are expected to bring great benefits to domestic development of curriculum of archival studies. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 圖書資訊與檔案學研究所 106155020 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0106155020 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202001744 |
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