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    Title: 消費者觀看韓國東大門直播電商之行為研究
    A Study on Consumer Viewing Behavior of Live Commerce
    Authors: 林子淳
    Lin, Tzu-Chun
    Contributors: 白佩玉
    Pai, Pei-Yu
    Lin, Tzu-Chun
    Keywords: 社群商務
    Social media
    Social commerce
    Live commerce
    Date: 2020
    Issue Date: 2020-09-02 13:18:05 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究旨在探討台灣消費者觀看韓國東大門直播電商的行為研究,藉由探討消費者觀看動機、觀看時的互動及購物因素,分析東大門直播電商的優缺點,藉此研究新型態行銷購物下的應用模式及行為方式。此外,本研究恰逢Covid-19疫情期間,故同時探討疫情對東大門直播電商賣家及消費者的影響。
    This research aims to investigate Taiwanese consumers’ behavior of watching Dongdaemun live commerce. The research analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of Dongdaemun’s live commerce by exploring consumers’ viewing motivation and interaction, and figure out new types of shopping behavior. In addition, the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic has evolved rapidly in 2020. Thus, the research also explores the impact of COVID-19 on the sellers and consumers of Dongdaemun live commerce.

    In order to reach the qualified interviewees, this research first distributed questionnaires through online channels, and 8 representative interviewees were selected based on their frequency of purchase and viewing time. After that, this study conducted semi-structured in-depth interviews through voice calls or face to face.

    Based on the analysis, the study suggests that consumers can feel like walking into Dongdaemun market in South Korea through live commerce, especially when the live broadcasters try and display clothes immediately. Consumers can also interact with the broadcaster by commenting on the platform of live commerce. Consumers who watch the live commerce build up an unique online community: They interact through messages, share product information and provide emotional support with each other.

    Consumers are affected by the style of broadcaster, the quality and the price of product, and the reputation of seller. In particular, consumers care about the honesty of the sellers.

    The sales model of live commerce can build up the trust between consumers and sellers through interaction. Consumers can also build up the friendship with other consumers.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G1073630271
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202001570
    Appears in Collections:[企業管理研究所(MBA學位學程)] 學位論文

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