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Title: | 能源商業模式相關研究之文獻分析-以碩博士論文為分析標的 Literature Analysis of Business Model in Energy Sector: A Review of Dissertations and Theses |
Authors: | 林品瑄 Lin, Pin-Hsuan |
Contributors: | 洪為璽 季延平 Hung, Wei-Hsi Chi,Yan-Ping 林品瑄 Lin, Pin-Hsuan |
Keywords: | 能源 商業模式 文獻分析 台灣 大陸 美國 Energy Business Model Literature Analysis Taiwan China United States |
Date: | 2020 |
Issue Date: | 2020-09-02 13:17:27 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 伴隨2017年1月11日台灣電業法修正,台灣能源產業邁向自由市場的轉型向前邁進了一大步,然而過往壟斷的能源產業使得台灣對能源商業模式的探討相對有限,故本研究希望透過比較台灣、大陸、美國在能源商業模式上的差異,以供後續台灣相關議題的研究者參考。本研究以文獻分析法,蒐集來自台灣碩博士論文加值系統、PQDT(ProQuest Dissertations & Theses)、大陸優秀碩士學位論文全文數據庫中的台灣、美國、大陸的碩博士論文,一共整理出250篇文獻並以書目計量學進行進行分析與歸納統整,以比較三國之間在能源商業模式研究上發展之差異,並嘗試詮釋分析結果與差異來源。 研究發現結果顯示台灣與大陸的碩博士論文在作者學門的比例、碩博士比例上都更為接近,而在議題的選擇上相似度也較高,台灣最為重視的能源技術服務業在大陸的論文題目與關鍵字排名也都位居前五名,而大陸佔比最高的新能源汽車,台灣也有電動車的相關論文,而在台灣與大陸主要議題上也都有超過三成的論文在探討該議題。而美國則與台灣、大陸相當迥異,論文的題目、與扣除學科標籤後的關鍵字,比例分配都十分分散,論文作者的學門與碩博士的比例也都與台灣與大陸差異極大。 With the amendment of Taiwan`s Electricity Industry Law on January 11, 2017, Taiwan`s energy industry has taken a big step toward a free market. However, the monopoly of the energy industry in the past has made Taiwan relatively limited discussions on energy business models. This research hopes by comparing the differences in energy business models between Taiwan, China, and the United States. It can be used as a reference for follow-up Taiwan-related researchers. This research uses the literature analysis method to collect master and doctoral dissertations from the National Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations in Taiwan, PQDT (ProQuest Dissertations & Theses), and China Academic Journal Network Publishing Database. A total of 250 works of literature are sorted out and carried out by bibliographic metrology. Analyze and summarize the integration to compare the differences in the development of energy business model research between the three countries, and try to interpret the analysis results and the sources of differences. The findings show that Taiwan`s and China`s master-doctoral dissertations are closer in the proportion of authors, master-doctoral, and similar in selecting topics. Taiwan`s most important energy technology service industry is in China. Paper titles and keyword rankings are also ranked in the top five. China`s highest proportion of new energy vehicles, Taiwan also has electric vehicles related papers, and more than 30% of the papers on significant topics in Taiwan and China are discussing this issue. The United States is quite different from Taiwan and China. The title of the paper and the keywords after deducting the subject label are distributed in a very scattered proportion. The ratio of the academic degree and the master`s degree of the paper author is also very different from that of Taiwan and China. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 企業管理研究所(MBA學位學程) 107363088 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0107363088 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202001531 |
Appears in Collections: | [企業管理研究所(MBA學位學程)] 學位論文
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