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    题名: 服務體驗品質、知覺價值、滿意度與行為意圖之關聯分析
    A Study on the Relationships Among Service Experience Quality, Perceived Value, User Satisfactions and Behavioral Intentions
    作者: 何威衡
    Ho, Wei-Heng
    贡献者: 邱奕嘉
    Chiu, Yi-Chia
    Ho, Wei-Heng
    关键词: 服務體驗品質
    Service Experience Quality
    Online Customer Service
    日期: 2020
    上传时间: 2020-09-02 13:16:11 (UTC+8)
    摘要: 線上客服已成為現今線上消費體驗中不可或缺的環節,但目前國內外仍少有以「線上客服之服務體驗」為題聚焦討論的相關研究。本研究以蝦皮購物為研究範例,整合ES-QUAL、EXQ等量表對消費者的「線上客服知覺品質」進行測量,並討論知覺品質、滿意度、知覺價值、行為意圖變數之間的關聯。本研究大致分為三個部份,第一部份乃透過文獻探討確立研究主題與觀點的有效性;第二部份乃針對消費者的「知覺品質」等變項進行測量,並探討「知覺品質」與「滿意度」、「知覺價值」、「行為意圖」等變項之間的關聯,同時以期望確認程度作為調節因子,探討服務傑出之概念對於變項關聯的影響;第三部分則針對研究結果進行解讀、給予研究及實務建議。本研究以曾經使用蝦皮購物、蝦皮線上客服(聊聊功能)的消費者及用戶做為有效樣本,透過Survey Cake系統進行線上問卷調查,並於網路管道有效散佈問卷連結。本研究總共回收正式問卷1687份,其中投入最終分析的有效問卷共1418份,有效問卷回收率約84%。本研究以多元迴歸分析、PLSc-SEM做為主要的資料分析方法,發現:(1)體驗品質主要透過滿意度對各項行為意圖作用、滿意度可以對四種行為意圖變數進行有效預測、體驗價值則為體驗品質與滿意度之中介變數(2)將賣家定位為服務提供者、並討論線上客服品質議題之觀點獲得實徵數據以及文獻探討的支持(3)本研究之實徵數據與J. J. Cronin, Brady, and Hult (2000)所提出的滿意度模型(Model 2)相吻合,古典研究模型於現代議題之適用性在本研究中亦獲得支持(4)在本研究中,體驗品質測量模型以較少的題數即可有效捕捉服務體驗的構念,因此體驗觀點或許具有更廣泛的應用價值(5)服務傑出在本研究中無法透過期望確認程度被有效定義。
    The usage of online customer service in various business contexts has become consumers’ daily routine regarding digital experience nowadays. Numerous researches have called to the necessity of taking a closer look at service quality issues from newer perspectives, such as omnichannel retailing, interaction among platform users, different types of consumer experience, etc. While researches have supported the significant relationships among perceived quality, perceived value, user satisfactions, and behavioral intentions, it is, however, not often discussed from the service experience point of view. Thus this research aims at proving the eligibility of defining users of an online shopping platform as service experience provider adopting a classical research model, as well as measuring service experience quality effectively through the integration of ES-QUAL and EXQ measurement model constructs. 1418 valid questionnaires were put into the final analysis, whereas major findings include: (1)Satisfaction (SAT) serves as an excellent predicting factor for behavioral intentions (BI), while experience quality (EXQ) exerts effect indirectly on BI through SAT, of which experience value (EXV) serves as a mediator between EXQ and SAT. (2) Analytical results yield by multiple regression and PLSc-SEM indicate that empirical data of this research fits a part of a classical model, while novel perspectives proved to be eligible. (3)Experience perspective of view(i.e., EXQ, EXV) has great potential for designing compact measurement tools with promising predictability. (4)Service excellency is, however, not realized by measuring the levels of generalized expectancy disconfirmation in this research.
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    描述: 碩士
    資料來源: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0107363006
    数据类型: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202001207
    显示于类别:[企業管理研究所(MBA學位學程)] 學位論文




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