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    题名: 拉丁美洲的性別不平等、族群分歧和經濟增長
    Gender Inequality, Ethnic Cleavages, and Economic Growth in Latin America
    作者: 丹尼斯·平托
    Pinto, Denise
    贡献者: 蘇彥斌
    Yen-Pin Su
    Denise Pinto
    关键词: 性別落差
    Gender gap
    ethnical fractionalization
    economic growth
    Latin America
    日期: 2020
    上传时间: 2020-09-02 13:14:21 (UTC+8)
    摘要: 近期已有不少研究探討性別不平等的現象對於一國經濟表現的影響,然而,相關的實證結果莫衷一是。本論文主張,性別不平等對於一國經濟成長的效應視該國的族群分歧程度而定。具體而言,本論文假設:性別不平等與族群分歧對於經濟成長的交互作用將會降低經濟成長。本論文聚焦於教育、勞力與就業三個層面的性別不平等,並利用18個拉丁美洲國家在1980年至2018年的資料進行分析。本論文的實證分析結果顯示,當一國的性別不平等情況愈嚴重,而且其族群分歧程度愈高時,則該國會出現較低的經濟成長率。除了量化分析之外,本論文亦透過玻利維亞與智利的比較案例研究,說明經濟成長如何受到性別不平等與族群分歧程度的交互作用所影響。總體而言,本論文試圖為政治經濟學的文獻提供補充觀點,同時也為開發中國家的經濟發展提供政策啟發。
    Recent literature has been analyzing the key role of gender inequality for explaining economic performance. However, findings about the effects of gender inequality are inconclusive. In this thesis, I contend that the effect of gender inequality on economic growth is conditional on ethnic fractionalization. I hypothesize that the combined effect of greater levels of gender gaps and ethnic cleavage reduces economic growth. Focusing on gender inequality in education, labor force, and employment, I empirically test my hypothesis based on data in 18 Latin American countries from 1980 to 2018. The quantitative analyses demonstrate that that a country with a wider gender gap and a higher degree of ethnic fractionalization is more likely to have low economic growth. The qualitative comparative case studies of Bolivia and Chile further illustrate how economic performance is affected by the interaction effects of gender gaps and ethnic fractionalization. Overall, this thesis aims to fill the gap in the literature of political economy and provide policy implications for the economic development of developing countries.
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    描述: 碩士
    資料來源: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0107862018
    数据类型: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202001355
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