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    Title: 尼加拉瓜奧蒂嘉總統執政期間之經濟政策分析 (2007到2020年)
    Analysis of Nicaragua Economic Policy under Ortega administration from 2007 to 2020
    Authors: 張喬翔
    Jang, Chyau-Shyang
    Contributors: 鄧中堅
    Teng, Chung-Chian
    Jang, Chyau-Shyang
    Keywords: 尼加拉瓜
    market economy
    agrarian reform
    free trade agreements
    preferential treatment
    Central America
    Date: 2020
    Issue Date: 2020-09-02 13:12:34 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 這項研究旨在揭示尼加拉瓜在2007年至2020年奧特加政府領導下的經濟戰略的影響。自2018年奧爾特加宣布頒布《尼加拉瓜社會保險改革》以來,尼加拉瓜的社會政治和經濟危機一直持續不斷。社會保障改革,後來又因之前尼加拉瓜運河的議題更擴展示威遊行,因長期政權造成的社會不公正以及奧爾特加政府執政期間對民主選舉的管理不善。這些影響可以藉由尼加拉瓜政府改革政策階段性任務來改進,市場經濟的自由化以及尼加拉瓜政府和各國的自由貿易協定簽署的優惠待遇來檢驗成果。本研究探討對尼加拉瓜社會,經濟,環境和政治的正面和負面影響。最後,在尼加拉瓜實施自由貿易政策以及透過其在市場經濟條件下的自由貿易區中的優勢來管理與夥伴國的經濟關係中,可以看到某些方面的積極影響。
    This study aims to reveal the impacts of the economic and political strategies of Nicaragua under the Ortega administration from 2007 to 2020. The case of the socio-political and economic crisis in Nicaragua has been of an ongoing nature lasting since 2018 when the president announced the enactment of a social security reform, which later expanded to larger demonstrations about the discontent of the Nicaragua Canal, the social injustices caused by the long-term regime, and mismanagement of the democratic elections during the Ortega administration. These impacts can be examined through the historical advances made in the policy reforms, the integration of market economy, and the pursuit of free trade agreements by the Nicaraguan government. This research explores the positive and the negative social, economic, environmental, and political impacts of Nicaragua. Finally, the implementation of free trade policy and management of economic relations with partner countries through its advantages in a free trade zone under market economic conditions, some positive effects can be seen.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0105862004
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202001514
    Appears in Collections:[International Master`s Program in International Studies] Theses

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