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    题名: 文物導意:博物館商店導覽設計中的認知重塑
    Artifact Sensegiving: Cognitive Reframing in the Service Design for Museum Guided Tour
    作者: 賈斯嘉
    Chia, Szu-Chia
    贡献者: 蕭瑞麟
    Hsiao, Ruey-Lin
    Chia, Szu-Chia
    关键词: 服務設計
    service design
    cognitive shift
    cognitive reframing
    日期: 2020
    上传时间: 2020-09-02 13:11:28 (UTC+8)
    摘要: 服務已成為一項競爭優勢,企業致力於發展各種創新以成就愉悅的顧客體驗。設計思考、服務藍圖、顧客旅程成為服務設計炙手可熱的工具。以使用者中心,識別痛點可取得創新來源。周全考量顧客旅程,則可以將服務思維貫徹到價值鏈。我們卻忽略,在陌生狀態下,使用者惶恐的意會中,是難以釐清自己的需求。本研究以故宮商店的導覽設計為案例,分析設計者如何引導觀眾對文物的意會,也闡釋認知轉換的過程。案例中解析四項一級文物,名列於鎮館國寶之列,探索導覽中設計者所發展出的導意作法,循循善誘觀眾由生疏曲解過渡到熟悉理解。學理上,本論文點出「微旅程」的觀念,延伸顧客旅程的觀點,分析初始意會、引導意會、再次意會的三階段,解釋觀眾對文物的認知轉移過程。這個轉移過程協助我們探索認知如何重塑,說明設計者引導意框架轉換的方式。實務上,本研究提出導意式的服務設計作法,讓觀眾由百思不得其解的誤會銜接到迎刃而解的體會。設計者若能由心理層面去關注使用者隱而難知的需求,服務創新將由意會的引導而源源不絕湧現。
    Increasingly as service has become a basis of competitive advantage, enterprises commence to innovate experience to please their customers. The instrumental methods of design thinking, service blueprint and customer journey mapping therefore receives public gaze and much popularity. If we take user-centirc perspective, identifying customers’ painpoints may help obtaining source of innovation. Comprehansvie analysis of customer journey would facilitate the impregnation of service dominant logic into an enterprise’s value chain. However, we seem to ignore that users are incapable of articulating their needs when they struggle to make sense of anomalous situations with anxiety. This research undertakes the case study of National Palace Museum Store and examines how designers could develop a guided tour to redirect audience’s sensemaking towards artifacts. This effort aims to elaborate the process of audiences’ cognitive shift. The case analyses four artifacts, which are considered as first-class relic and included in National Treasure List. This attempts to explore how designers’ develop sensegiving practices in order to mentor audiences transiting from unfamiliarity to conviviality, and from misconception to comprehansion. Theoretically, this thesis indicates the concept of micro-journey and extends the analysis of customer journey by examining the three phrases of initial sensemaking, sensegiving and sense-remaking. This explicates the process of audiences’ cognitive shift towards apprehending those artifacts. This shifting process helps us explore how cognitive reframing might take place, and explains how designers guide the conversion of cognitive frames. Practically, this research proposes a sensegiving approach to service design practices, which allows audiences to bring from perplexed misunderstanding to composed enlightenment. If designers could attend to audiences’ obscure needs from their psychological dimension, users’ sensemaking would become a streaming source of service innovation.
    參考文獻: 朱彩馨,2015,「溫故不知新:半新科技的意會調適」,《中山管理評論》,第1期,第23卷,137-183頁。
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    描述: 碩士
    資料來源: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0107364107
    数据类型: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202001561
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