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    Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: https://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/131917

    Title: 科技數位時代:台灣獨立音樂發展困境與因應策略之研究,以「老王樂隊」為案例
    Developmental difficulties and coping strategies for Taiwan`s independent music in the digital era:A case study of “Your Woman Sleep with Others”
    Authors: 屠松煜
    Two, Song-Yu
    Contributors: 陶亞倫

    Tao, Ya-Lun
    Cheng, Wan-Chiung

    Two, Song-Yu
    Keywords: 獨立音樂
    Indie music
    Value net
    Case study
    Date: 2020
    Issue Date: 2020-09-02 13:11:16 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 獨立音樂已經成爲台灣文化創意產業一個不可或缺的分支,又因數位化的趨勢,串流音樂以更迅捷的速度將台灣獨有的音樂文化傳遞到全世界。然而就台灣發展現況而言,獨立音樂的經營仍然困難重重,獨立音樂的市場也被許多大型音樂品牌公司及代理商虎視眈眈。反觀獨立樂團多爲學生團隊組成,缺乏經濟、專業知識等輔助,容易陷入被動及虧損的局面。本研究整理過去相關研究資料,並藉由參與式觀察及訪談瞭解獨立樂團「老王樂隊」的商業模式及經營方向,輔以數據分析和價值網等模型進行商業分析,嘗試從中尋找獨立音樂在數位時代下的出路。
    Indie music has become an indispensable part of Taiwan`s cultural creative industry, and through the relevant digital right management authorization and agency, Taiwan`s unique music culture is spread throughout the world. However, as far as the current situation of Indie music in Taiwan is concerned, the financial management of indie music is still in harsh state and proof to be more difficult for indie artist to handle. The market of indie music is also the battleground for many other large music brand corporations and agencies. In contrast, indie artist are mostly formed by students, which lacks the support of economic and professional knowledge, it is much easier for them to fall prey into experienced market players which result in losses.
    In this study, through the study of related research in the past, through participatory observation and interviews to understand the business model and direction of the indie artist "Your Woman sleep With Others". With data analysis and value network model, this study tries to explore the coping strategies of indie music in the digital age.
    There are three findings in this study: 1) Due to indie artist being too focused on music creation, it is often easy to ignore the legal and financial threats and have no awareness of the related crisis. 2) Independent artist needs to rely on brokers or managers who have a high degree of negotiation skills and can connect more resources to make the artist more financially free. 3) Independent artist needs to slowly regain their digital right management licensing opportunities from copyright agencies and set up their own authorized units to cope with more challenges in the future. Digital is a vital income can be a long-term income that does not require additional variable costs, which provide indie artist financial freedom to create better music.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0106364217
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202001476
    Appears in Collections:[科技管理與智慧財產研究所] 學位論文

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