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    Title: 專業服務組織的經驗學習與知識轉用:以專利事務所為例
    Experiential Learning and Knowledge Transfer in Professional Service Firm: Empirical Evidence from Patent Law Firms
    Authors: 林鵬飛
    Lin, Peng-Fei
    Contributors: 宋皇志

    Sung, Huang-Chih
    Shen, Jung-Chin

    Lin, Peng-Fei
    Keywords: 專業服務組織
    Professional Service Firm
    Organizational Learning
    Analogical Reasoning
    Collective Schema
    Date: 2020
    Issue Date: 2020-09-02 13:10:05 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 專業服務雖然在不同學門中已存在廣泛的研究,然而在組織學習領域,專業服務組織如何學習卻仍缺乏理論與實證的研究。過去關於組織學習的研究大多著重在製造業或是量產形式的服務業,惟專業服務的工作本質上具有客製化與高知識密集度的特徵,以相同之產品或服務作為經驗之單位的傳統組織學習理論並無法直接適用。
    Although professional services have been extensively studied in different disciplines, there is still a lack of theoretical and empirical research on how professional service firms (PSFs) learn. Existing organizational learning theories mostly focus on manufacturing or mass-production service industries, and thus may be incompatible with PSFs, which are characterized by customized services and high knowledge intensity.
    Accordingly, by combining related work on analogical reasoning and expertise and centering the concept of collective schema, this study proposed a theoretical framework of experiential learning and knowledge transfer in PSFs. This framework was applied in the empirical context of patent filing services to analyze patent data from Taiwan using linear mixed models to test the influences of PSF experiences on service output quality. The results showed that, in terms of the effect of experience breadth, PSF customized service experience had a positive impact on the quality of customized service output, and the variance across said experiences also had a positive impact on the quality of service output. Further, in terms of the effects of experience depth and schema stability, a less-customized service experience had a negative impact on the quality of customized service output and positively modulated the relationship between customized service experience and the quality of customized service output, while parital, indirect PSF experiences negatively modulated the relationship between customized service experience and the quality of customized service output.
    This study offers a major theoretical contribution by proposing collective schema as a core concept in PSF learning, while further offering a quantitative method for investigating PSFs based on patent data analysis. This study also makes a practical contribution for management by expounding on the learning mechanisms of PSFs from the perspective of cognitive psychology, suggesting that application of relevant cognitive psychology research findings to the practice of human resource development and operations management in PSFs would facilitate learning at both individual and organizational levels.
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