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    Title: 冰上絲綢之路的戰略意涵-區域發展與中俄合作的實踐
    Polar Silk Road Strategic Implications – Practice in Regional Development and China-Russia Cooperation
    Authors: 李柏昇
    Lee, Po-Sheng
    Contributors: 連弘宜
    Lien, Hong-Yi
    Lee, Po-Sheng
    Keywords: 冰上絲綢之路
    Polar Silk Road
    Strategic studies
    China–Russia cooperation
    Arctic affairs
    Date: 2020
    Issue Date: 2020-09-02 13:02:46 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 在一帶一路躍升國際政治舞台後,相關議題的開展成為東西方各國研究中國以及東亞事務的重要議題。在此架構下的概念中,「冰上絲綢之路」如同一帶一路的命名概念,是中國對於北極事務的觀點,也是該國參與北極事務的概念。
    China and east asia gain further attention across the world after the “One road One belt” advocate raised. Base on this system, “Polar Silk Road” inherited identical implication which represents the viewpoint about China’s arctic affairs and way to engage arctic affairs. To study the Polar Silk Road strategic, this research first carried out the frame of this strategy with potential partnership and construction item which are basen on this strategy.
    First of all, this research focus on characteristics of China`s diplomatic strategy. Furthermore, what’s the meaning Polar Silk Road and decisive external and internal factors on shaping Polar Silk Road strategic also brings into this artcle. Secondly, we found that the core notion of Polar Silk Road strategic, China-Russia relationship is indispensable to this strategy. This research aims at finding out the its meaning and targets, estimating cureent situation on China-Russia relationship and the practical projects prove that“Polar Silk Road” has a storng foundation.
    Last but not least, it seems that Polar Silk Road strategic make progress with highly collaborate between China and Russia. As part of the foreign affairs strategy, however, Polar Silk Road strategic still has lots of risk to overcome. There are also hidden friction and obstacle lies ahead and it may jeopardize China to cooperate with Russia or to engage arctic project investments. Accordingly, we have to value risks to the Polar Silk Road strategic within three aspects including strategy, cooperation between nations, and current investing projects.
    There is no doubt that Polar Silk Road strategic literally base on cooperation between China and Russia. Given that the transnational affairs grow rapidly, it pose a more chanllenge position to study in this field. Under this circumstances, discussing Polar Silk Road strategic is more than an arduous task. Instead, it provide researchers with more flexibility to find out the result that we expected.
    Reference: 中文部分


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