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Title: | 我是士官長:自我民族誌之研析 An Autoethnography of a Chief Master Sergeant |
Authors: | 崔立德 Tsui, Li-Te |
Contributors: | 江明修 Chiang, Min-Hsiu 崔立德 Tsui, Li-Te |
Keywords: | 士官長 自我民族誌 領導統御 階級倫理 莫比烏斯環 Chief master sergeant Auto-ethnography Leadership Class ethics Möbius band |
Date: | 2020 |
Issue Date: | 2020-09-02 12:53:35 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究採用自我民族誌做為方法學,探討個人在二十餘年軍旅生涯中的經歷,由義務役士兵到志願役,經歷下、中、上士最後來到一等士官長,這裡面有許多的磨合、矛盾及反思。文中以莫比烏斯環為時間與空間的核心架構,其理念為生命是個無時不刻連續變動的歷程,並不全然追尋單一方向的堆砌,以自我為觀點的時候。認為在平面上不斷移動,但實質上卻在空間裡運行,以為未來在前方,其實未來正緊貼自己的背後。 藉由敘事的方式,讓自己與軍中特有文化互動,透過對自我的剖析梳理出自己在不同時間線上的我與部隊的關係,軍旅生涯與我之間如何相互影響。不斷以時代變遷、體制轉換,歷年來的從軍生涯歷程及回憶等為文本,並透過故事文本的資料詮釋與分析。檢視軍隊中階級體制與服從對我的影響性,體制與文化如何形塑現在的我,而我如何學習與適應新的體制。原先看來優良的傳統文化,是否應該延續體制給後面的人,並反思軍中文化體制的過去、現在及未來不斷的轉換下,該與世推移或孑然挺立,透過直白的敘述。讓更多人可以瞭解軍人及其職業的內涵與承諾。 This study uses auto-ethnography as a methodology to explore my personal experiences in the military over the past 20 years. This may include my personal experience as a compulsory soldier, volunteer soldier, corporal, sergeant, staff sergeant, and a warrant officer ultimately. Related experiences can create a lot of inner friction, conflict, and reflection within the individual. In this paper, we will use the Möbius strip as a central framework of time and space. The philosophy of the Möbius strip is that life is a continuous process of change, and that there is no single direction of progress and accumulation of experience in one single direction. In the theory of the Möbius strip, the view of the self is given great significance, and it is argued that the course of life is apparently constantly moving on a plane, but in reality, it is moving in space. People always think that the future is ahead of them, but in fact, the future is right behind them. I will use the narrative method to describe my interaction with the unique culture of the military. In addition, I will analyze myself in order to understand my relationship with the military and how my military career and I have interacted with each other at different points in time against the backdrop of changing times and systems. I will use my military history and memories as the basis of my research. I will also examine how the military hierarchy and obedience have influenced me, how the system and culture have shaped who I am today, how I will learn and adapt to the new system, and whether the tradition and culture that seemed good in the first place should be passed on to those who come after me. In addition, I will reflect on the past, present, and future of the military cultural system, and whether it should evolve with the world or stand alone in the face of changing times. I will give a straightforward account of what it means to be a soldier and what the profession entails, as well as the commitment of military personnel to their country and its people. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 行政管理碩士學程 107921212 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0107921212 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202001216 |
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