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    Title: 新能源汽車發展策略-以中國為鏡
    The Strategy of New Energy Vehicles Development-A Case of China
    Authors: 宋雅珍
    Sung, Ya-Chen
    Contributors: 胡偉民
    Hu, Wei-Min
    Sung, Ya-Chen
    Keywords: 新能源汽車
    Internal Combustion Engine Vehicles
    New Energy Vehicles
    Vehicle Acquisition Tax
    Date: 2020
    Issue Date: 2020-09-02 12:52:27 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 隨著溫室效應現象及能源逐漸耗竭,節能減碳為當前各國相當重視的議題,中國為世界上最大的溫室氣體排放國家,致力推行各項減碳排污政策,然而汽車產業為國家產業發展之重要指標,藉由中國在新能源汽車上施行政策之成效與發展等,冀能從中汲取經驗,作為臺灣研擬新能源汽車政策之借鏡,爰本研究將以新能源汽車發展策略為分析主題,並以中國為例。
    For the phenomenon of global warming and gradual depletion of energy, energy conservation and carbon reduction are becoming valued by all countries. As the main greenhouse gas emission country, China is committed to implementing various policies to reduce carbon emission. Due to the automotive industry is an important indicator of industrial development, this study is looking forward to take the experience from the effectiveness and development of policy implementation of China as the reference for Taiwan to develop new energy vehicle policies. Therefore, this study took the strategy of new energy vehicles development as the topic to analyze and take China as an example.
    This study, based on the data of national new car registration in China from 2013 to 2016, analyzed bulk sample and exhaust gas control variables under the Difference-in-Differences model with new energy vehicles as the treatment group and internal combustion engine vehicles as the control group. In terms of the general mean of effect which is after implementing vehicle acquisition tax exemption, the empirical results indicates that both of the sales volume and market share of new energy vehicles are positive and significant. The displacement under 1.6L is the most significant. In terms of the dynamic changes after the policy implementation, the effect of policy on displacement above 2.0L is more significant than 1.6L.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0107921052
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202001220
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