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Title: | 政府研發補助計畫對企業生產力及創新活動的影響-以產業升級創新平台輔導計畫為例 The Effect of Public R&D Subsidies on Enterprise Productivity and Business Innovation Activities :The Case of the Taiwan Industry Innovation Platform Program |
Authors: | 吳洋佑 Wu, Yang-Yu |
Contributors: | 翁永和 Weng, Yung-Ho 吳洋佑 Wu, Yang-Yu |
Keywords: | 研發補助 企業生產力 研發支出 創新活動 R&D subsidy Enterprise productivity R&D expenditure Innovation activity |
Date: | 2020 |
Issue Date: | 2020-09-02 12:51:18 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究以申請政府研發補助之企業為研究對象,資料來源自經濟部工業局「產業升級創新平台輔導計畫」2015年至2018年調查企業執行研發計畫結案滿2年之成效追蹤調查表,研究方法以最小平方法(OLS)建立模型分析,探討政府研發補助計畫對企業從事生產及創新活動是否具有正面之影響。實證結果發現,「政府補助款」與企業勞動生產力及研發支出成長具有正向顯著關係。此結果顯示企業執行本研究之政府研發補助計畫後,在經營績效及從事創新活動部分有正面的影響成效,證實本研究之政府研發補助計畫符合原先規劃目標,能夠幫助企業導入創新技術開發出新產品及應用服務切入高端市場,產品具高毛利或高附加價值,最終得以順利銷售獲利,使企業穩定經營成長,同時也能促使企業擴大研發支出,政府補助款每增加一百萬元能夠激勵企業從事研發活動進而擴大研發支出28.04%,因此政府補助款亦具有外溢效益之互補性效果。此外,研究發現「專利數」與研發支出成長關係為正向顯著,代表申請研發計畫獲補助的企業,專利數建立的多寡為影響企業增加研發支出的關鍵因素。 This study focuses on enterprises applying for government subsidies for research and development (R&D). The data is based on "Industry Innovation Platform Program" approved by the Industrial Development Bureau, Ministry of Economic Affairs, in which surveys enterprises` effectiveness during 2015 to 2018 after R&D projects were implemented two years ago. In this study, Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) method explores whether government R&D subsidy program has a positive impact on enterprises` production and innovation activities. The findings show that "government subsidies" have significant positive correlation with the growth of labor productivity and R&D expenditures of enterprises. The results also indicate that the implementation of the government R&D subsidy program has a positive impact on business performance of enterprises and their engagements in innovation activities. This confirms that the government R&D subsidy program is in line with the original objective, namely helping enterprises to develop new products and services to enter high-end markets, and deliver products with high gross margin performance or high added-value by introducing innovative technologies. Government R&D subsidy program not only stabilizes the operation of enterprises, but also encourages them to expand R&D expenditures. An increase of NT $1 million in government subsidies provide an incentive for enterprises to expand their R&D expenditures by 28.04%. Therefore, government subsidies are complementary to spillovers. In addition, the study`s results reveal that “the number of patents” is positively and significantly correlated to the growth of R&D expenditures. As for companies subsided by the R&D program, the number of patents granted is the key to the increase of R&D expenditures. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 行政管理碩士學程 106921054 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0106921054 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202001193 |
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