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    题名: 亞洲國家對於信用卡管理規範之比較
    Comparative Study on the Credit Card Regulations in Asian Countries
    作者: 周怡玫
    Chou, Yi-Mei
    贡献者: 黃明聖

    Chou, Yi-Mei
    关键词: 信用卡管理規範
    Credit card management regulations
    Over indebtedness
    Interest rate ceiling
    Personal unsecured debt limit
    日期: 2020
    上传时间: 2020-09-02 12:49:42 (UTC+8)
    摘要: 信用卡在全球各地已運作數10年,在臺灣亦屬成熟及普遍的支付工具,但近10多年來亞洲國家日本、新加坡及臺灣均陸續推動信用卡相關改革措施,改革內容均致力於防止過度負債,包括在發卡審核、信用卡額度、利率上限及資訊揭露等方面均有新監理措施。


    Credit card has been in operation around the world for decades, which is also a mature and popular means of payment in Taiwan. However, there are many Asian countries such as Japan, Singapore and Taiwan that have been gradually reforming credit card related regulations over the past 10 years. The common goal of the reform is to prevent over indebtedness. To achieve this goal, new supervision measures such as Assessment Process to Issue Credit Cards, Credit Limit of Credit Cards, Interest Rate Ceilings and Information disclosure have been taken.

    In view of the similarities of cultural background and trading habits of Asian countries, and the timing of the establishment and development of credit card in Taiwan is close to neighboring countries such as Japan and Singapore which is around 1960 to 1970. Furthermore, due to the well developed markets of consumer finance of these two countries, their financial supervision policy frequently become one of the reference objects of Taiwan. So this thesis aims to compare the credit card supervisory regulations among Japan, Singapore and Taiwan.

    First of all, this thesis reviews the evolution and development of credit card in Taiwan, Japan, and Singapore, and analyzes the changes in the credit card market in these three countries over the past decade, such as Card Number, Card Billings , Revolving Balance, and Credit Card Bills to Personal Consumption Expenditure Ratio. Next, it explores the credit card supervisory regulations in terms of measures to avoid falling into over indebtedness in these three countries, including four aspects of management: "credit card Interest Rate Ceilings", "Unsecured Debt Burden Ratio ", "Consumer’s Creditworthiness Assessment and Management" and "Marketing and Advertising Regulations". After comparing and analyzing the credit card supervisory regulations among these three countries, this thesis puts forward research findings and policy recommendations in the final part.
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    描述: 碩士
    資料來源: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0102921003
    数据类型: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202001444
    显示于类别:[行政管理碩士學程(MEPA)] 學位論文


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