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    Title: 原住民族生態知識與部落永續發展之研究-以新竹縣尖石鄉鎮西堡部落為例
    Study on Indigenous Ecological Knowledge and Tribal Sustainable Development;A Case Study in Cinsbu tribe, Jianshi Township, Hsinchu County
    Authors: 李欣薏
    Li, Hsin-Yi
    Contributors: 顏愛靜
    Yan, Ai-Jing
    Li, Hsin-Yi
    Keywords: 原住民族生態知識
    Indigenous ecological Knowledge
    Sustainable development
    Social organization
    Natural resource management
    Date: 2020
    Issue Date: 2020-09-02 12:38:28 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究旨在描述與發掘新竹縣尖石鄉鎮西堡泰雅族部落原住民族生態知識 的種類、形成因素及其影響因子。田野資料係採文獻回顧、深度訪談、參與觀察 等方法收集。研究發現,近年來鎮西堡部落在地居民有鑑於氣候變遷的影響加 劇,逐漸開始思考回復祖先遺留之傳統生態知識,用以對抗慣行農法對人體與土 地健康的傷害,然而部落仍有部分族人認為原住民生態知識在這個時代無用武之 地。分析其原因,除了資本主義的影響之外,對於貨幣經濟的依賴是另一個嚴重 的原因。
    原住民族生態知識其內容是對動植物與土地的在地知識、土地與資源管理系 統、社會體制、信仰與世界觀等四個層次,落實在鎮西堡部落,旨在回復原住民 族生態知識體現在聯繫族人情感、維護生物多樣性,促進產業經濟且友善環境等 面向,使得原住民生態知識得為部落所用,提供了在地族人經濟上的支持,進而 使原住民生態知識與永續發展得以在泰雅部落實踐。
    This research aims to describe and discover the types, formation factors and influencing factors of the ecological knowledge of the indigenous peoples of the Cinsbu Tayal tribe in Jianshi Township, Hsinchu County. The field data is collected by literature review, in-depth interviews, and participation observation. We found that in recent years, the residents of the Cinsbu tribe have gradually begun to think about restoring the traditional ecological knowledge left by their ancestors in order to combat the harm to human and land health caused by the conventional farming in view of the increasing impact of climate change. However, some tribes still believe that Indigenous ecological Knowledge is useless in this era. Apart from the influence of capitalism, dependence on the currency economy is another serious reason.
    The ecological knowledge of aboriginal peoples contains four levels of local knowledge of animals, plants and land, land and resource management systems, social systems, beliefs and worldviews. It is implemented in the Cinsbu tribe and aims to restore the ecological knowledge of the indigenous peoples. Through connecting people’s emotions, maintaining biodiversity, promoting business and a friendly environmental farming, the Tayal indigenous people can use their ecological knowledge to support the indigenous tribes’ economy and attain the goal of sustainable development.
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    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0104923009
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    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202001287
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