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    题名: 台灣農村發展政策在地實踐之研究:以宜蘭縣三星鄉行健村為例
    The research on the Local Practice of Taiwan’s Rural Development Policy: Xingjian Village, Sanxing Township, Yilan County
    作者: 季美珍
    Chi, Mei-Jen
    贡献者: 顏愛靜
    Yan, Ai-Jing
    Chi, Mei-Jen
    关键词: 農村發展
    rural development
    new endogenous development
    collective action
    rural regeneration
    organic agriculture
    日期: 2020
    上传时间: 2020-09-02 12:37:40 (UTC+8)
    摘要: 我國1970、80年代因都市化及工商發展趨勢下,人口大量往都市集中,造成農村人口外移嚴重,高齡者相對較多,各項建設及公共設施不足,造成農村發展相對落後,且因過去政府較少投入農村人文營造等軟體建設,農村生活及文化特色逐漸喪失。鑒於農村長期缺乏計畫及系統性發展政策, 2010年8月4日公布施行訂定「農村再生條例」,明定訂設置1500億元農村再生基金,以有秩序、有計畫地推動農村活化再生,照顧全臺灣4,000餘個農漁村。
    In the 1970s and 80s, due to urbanization and industrial and commercial development trends, a large number of people concentrated in urban areas, resulting in a serious migration of the rural population, relatively large number of seniors, the construction and lack of public facilities, resulting in relatively backward rural development, and because the past government less investment in rural humanities and other software construction, rural life and cultural characteristics gradually lost. In view of the chronic lack of planning and systematic development policies in rural areas, the implementation of the "Rural Regeneration Ordinance" was announced on 4 August 2010 and a $150 billion rural regeneration fund was set up to promote rural activation and regeneration in an orderly and systematic manner, taking care of more than 4,000 rural and fishing villages throughout Taiwan.
    This research is based on the Xingjian Community Development Association and Xingjian Organic Cooperative in Sanxing Township, Yilan County, both of whom have stated that they are the executive organization of the organic village. However, rural development requires local practice to be effective. Since the organic village is mainly engaged in organic farming, through collective actions, it has obtained a friendly environment and local resources of the nature of public finances, which then become a source of local economy. The implementation of organic villages will help the implementation of rural regeneration policies. Therefore, this research presents the different ways and processes of rural development based on local organizations. It uses the theoretical analysis frameworks of collective action and new endogenous development to understand how local organizations practice rural development through literature analysis, in-depth interviews, and participation in observations. Opportunities and difficulties faced by the process.
    The results show that the rural regeneration plan is completed by the local organization through the empowerment course, the process of constructing the rural regeneration plan in the local organization should pay attention to both the internal and external aspects of the organization, and the planning process should have the resources, participation, identity and network of new endogenous development in the local organization. It is necessary to adjust the quality of local organizations under the impetus of national policies, to stay in the quality of local organizations with the four elements of new endogenous development, and then to take further collective action, in order to implement the goal of rural development.
    Finally, in order to implement the spirit of networking and regionalization, in the local organizations in the development of rural regeneration plans, it is necessary to follow the municipality or county government in accordance with the overall plan of rural regeneration, orderly from the sectoral plan and space plan to guide the rural communities in the jurisdiction, but also conducive to the development of collective action.
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