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Title: | 臺灣農地經營規模之探討─以產權制度為視角─ The investigation of Agricultural land management scale in Taiwan—A Perspective of Property Rights System— |
Authors: | 莊谷中 Chuang, Ku-Chung |
Contributors: | 楊松齡 Yang, Song-Ling 莊谷中 Chuang, Ku-Chung |
Keywords: | 產權 公共領域 利益攫取 剩餘索取權 農地政策 Property rights Public domain Wealth capture Residual claim Agricultural land policy |
Date: | 2020 |
Issue Date: | 2020-09-02 12:37:38 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 面對臺灣農戶擁有的農地細小零碎,衍生農地經營的困境,本文以產權理論視角,探討臺灣農地產權制度與農地經營效率的關係,以及擴大農地經營規模之議題。 從產權理論視角,農地產權至少包含農地使用權、收入權,以及讓渡權等,乃各種農地權利屬性的組合。農地產權擁有者,為保護產權利益的作為、他人企圖分享產權利益的作為,以及政府為保護農地產權的管制拘束等,將直接、間接影響農地經營效率。由於農地產權的屬性複雜,導致一部分產權利益,無法完全清楚界定,而被留置於公共領域,成為產權交易過程,被利益攫取的對象。 在臺灣,本於農地使用權與收入權合一,耕者有其田目標,規定農地在租賃期間出售者,佃農擁有優先購買權,這項規定將導致地主自主出售農地的不利益;因繼承、受遺贈,或受贈,取得農地者,既已享受遺產稅或贈與稅減免優惠,若未自任耕作滿五年者,將被追繳租稅;農戶擁有農地面積超過0.1公頃,而且自任耕作者,便可擁有農民保險資格。但是,若要求農地租賃契約,一律採取書面形式,以明確租佃雙方的權利義務,成本過於高昂;若要對擁有農地者,逐一調查有無自任耕作,以界定租稅減免、農民保險資格等,政府亦必須花費極高昂的成本。由於界定佃農的優先購買權、擁有農地者享受租稅減免,以及農民保險資格等產權,成本過於高昂,以至於成為無法完全清楚被界定的農地權利。 現實而言,農戶擁有的農地細小,農戶如果自任耕作,將不敷生計,但是,若以農地租賃,釋出農地使用權,除擔心佃農的優先購買權困擾外,因為已無自任耕作,則將遭受追繳租稅,喪失農民保險資格的不利益。實證調查發現,農戶的農地產權交易方式,乃以非正式制度的口頭約定方式,以農地租賃,或無租借用方式,釋出農地使用權,不寫書面契約,以達到模糊佃農優先購買權的目的,將農地交由佃農幫忙耕作,地主將攫取自主出售農地,不被佃農優先購買權困擾之利益,以及租稅減免、農民保險資格等利益。 研究發現,不論農戶擁有的農地是否細小零碎,農地仍然都保持耕作狀態,顯示「農地必須農用」,在農民心目中,是無可置疑的共識。實證地區,農戶擁有的農地面積,雖然僅有0.2-0.3公頃、農地使用權的剩餘索取利益低微、收入權的租金收益亦低微,但是透過口頭約定的農地租賃,或無租借用的農地產權交易,不繼續耕作之農戶,已逐漸釋出農地使用權,交由繼續耕作之農戶從事耕作。繼續耕作之農戶,實際耕作的農地規模,已逐漸擴大,包括自有農地,以及他人的農地使用權面積,平均規模3.50公頃!農戶單位人口平均耕作面積,已擴大為1953年的4倍。 產權交易過程,將產權配置給對資產收益具有最大貢獻的人,從而使其獲得最大的剩餘索取利益,乃產權最優配置原則。觀察臺灣的農地產權交易,農地收入權的租金收益,並非促使未繼續耕作之農戶,釋出農地使用權的誘因,以口頭約定方式,攫取未被界定清楚的農地產權利益,才是他們的目的。但是,繼續耕作之農戶,卻因此獲得擴大農地經營規模的契機。 Based on the difficulties of agricultural land management that have been caused by small pieces of agricultural land area owned by farm families in Taiwan, this article discusses the relationship between the property right system of agricultural land and the efficiency of agricultural land management from the perspective of property right theory, as well as the issue of how to expand the agricultural land management scale. From the perspective of property right theory, the property right of agricultural land includes at least a combination of various rights of the ability to use farmland rights, to derive income, and to alienate. The owners of the property right of agricultural land will directly and indirectly affect the efficiency of agricultural land management for protection of actions of the wealth of property right, others` attempt to share the wealth of property right, and the government`s regulatory restrictions to protect the property right of agricultural land. Due to the complexity of the property right of agricultural land, part of the wealth of property right cannot be fully defined, and it is left in the public domain and become the object of interest grabbing during the property right transaction process. In Taiwan, in order to incorporate the right to use agricultural land with the earning right and achieve the goal of Land-to-the-Tiller Program. It is stipulated that if the agricultural land be sold during the lease period, the lessee owns the preemptive right. This regulation will cause the detriment of the landlord to sell the farmland. Those who have acquired agricultural land by succession, by bequest, or by gifts have already enjoyed the discount offer of estate tax or gift tax. If they have not experienced owner cultivation for a complete five years, tax shall be made due retroactively. Farmers who own more than 0.1 hectares of agricultural land area and who have experienced owner-cultivation have the qualification for Farmer Health Insurance. However, if the lease contract of agricultural land is required to be in written contract to clarify the rights and obligations of lessor-lessee, the cost would be too high. If it is necessary to investigate whether there is owner-cultivation for those who own agricultural land, in order to define tax deduction, the qualification of Farmer Health Insurance etc, the government must also spend extremely high costs. Due to the high cost of defining the preemptive right of lessee, the tax deduction for owners of agricultural land, the qualification of Farmer Health Insurance and other property right, the property right of agricultural land cannot be fully defined. In fact, the agricultural land owned by farm families is small. If the farm families are of owner-cultivation, they earn the low agriculture income without livelihood. However, if agricultural land lease is used to release agricultural land use right, apart from worrying about lessees’ preemptive right, their tax shall be made due retroactively and they will suffer the detriment of losing Farmer Health Insurance qualification because they are no longer of owner-cultivation. The studies indicated that the agricultural land property rights transaction of the farm families are based on oral agreement of agricultural land lease or non-rental lease to release agricultural land use right without written contract in order to achieve the purpose of obscuring the lessees’ preemptive right. By handing over the agricultural land to tenant farmers to help farming, the landlord will capture the benefits of selling the agricultural land independently, not being troubled by the tenant farmers` preemptive right, as well as benefits such as tax deduction and Farmer Health Insurance qualification. The study indicated that, in fact, regardless of whether the agricultural land area owned by the farm families is small and fragmented, the agricultural land remains in cultivation. This shows that "farmland must be used for farming" is an unquestionable consensus in the minds of farmers. Based on the empirical study, although the agricultural land area owned by farmers is only 0.2-0.3 hectares, the ability to use agricultural land is low both in residual ad rental income. However, by way of oral agreement of agricultural land lease or non-rental agricultural land property rights transaction, farm families who are not engaged in agricultural have gradually released their agricultural land use right and handed over to farm families who are engaged in agricultural. For farm families engaged in agriculture, their farm agricultural land area where they have actually cultivated has gradually expanded. Including their own agricultural land and the area of agricultural land whose farming right is otherwise owned, the average scale is 3.50 hectares! The average farming area scale of unit farm population has expanded to four times that of 1953. In the process of property rights transaction, the general principle of property rights is to allocate property rights to the person who has the greatest contribution to maximize the net income from the asset, so as to share the greatest residual claim benefits. Observing property rights transaction of agricultural land in Taiwan, the rental income of agricultural land income rights is not an inducement for farmer families who are not engaged in agricultural to release their agricultural land use right. It is their purpose to capture the undefined property wealth of agricultural land by oral agreement. However, farm families engaged in agriculture have thus obtained an opportunity to expand the agricultural land management scale. |
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Description: | 博士 國立政治大學 地政學系 97257502 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0097257502 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202001397 |
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